Three brothers

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Dylan is 16 but will go into ageplay and will be about 6months
Andrew is 23 and is the second oldest and will be called dada
Braxton is the oldest and is 26 and will be called daddy

Dylan was in the call with their parents. They were driving to go mean with other two brother. Went they got to the stop light then they got hit by a drunk and their parents were hit and killed and Dylan was sent to the hospital then Andrew and Braxton rush to the hospital and they saw their little brother in a hospital bed crying and said it was his fault.

Braxton pov I got a call that my little brother was in the hospital after being hit with my parents by a drunk driver and I was told the died right there and my little boy just had a broken leg I was happy that he was all right

Andrew pov I got a call and was told that my parents were hit by a drunk driver and that my little brother just had a broken leg and was told to come and get him because he's living with Braxton and I now.

I when and got my little brother and he was crying and was saying it was his fault and I just hugged him.

6 months later
I was going to get my little brother from school and I saw him being bullied and I got out and asked what they were doing to my little brother and they were scared of me because I was "6foot 7" and Braxton was "6foot 8" and they let go and ran off and I saw my little brother crying and I saw he was cutting.

I was being bullied and I did not want to tell my brothers because they would make sure that I was pulled out off that school and homeschooled and I was walking outside to wait for my brother Andrew to come and that's when the bullied came and started picking on me because my parents died and then when I saw my brother get out of his car and he was not happy at all and then the bullied ran of because how scary my brothers were.

I was in the car with Andrew going to pick up Dylan and I when into school and said how could you not see my little brother getting bullied and they said we were worried about other things then I said I was pulling my brother out of this school and was going to call the cops
After all of that happens
Dylan Drew and Braxton in the car handing home and they said to Dylan that they were going to homeschool home and baby him

Now with Dylan 4months later
I'm am babyed and my brother are making me call them dada and daddy and I sleeping a crib and have the full on baby treatment and I hate it but I don't have to deal with my bully
Daddy( Braxton)
I just woke up Dylan and he's happy right now and I can tell today going to be a good daddy

When my baby boy came done stairs with Braxton I could tell it was going to be a good day
Two days later
I was sleeping and Andrew or dada came in to walk me up to have lunch and then we were going to go to the park and I was happy about this

I was in charge of walking Dylan up because Braxton woke home up in the morning and I just hope he is happy to be woke up

I was in charge of make lunch and I got lunch Amost done when my baby boy and my brother came down
I am happy I still get to eat regular food and they are not making me eat baby food and that one reason why I'm am happy to day
We just got done feeding Dylan and get him ready to go to the park

If you want a part2 let me know I want say a big thanks to
buttcrackface1 for giving me this idea

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