Reality Strikes

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--Serena Pov--
     "My name is Serena Yuvone, I am on a journey with my friends across Kalos" I repeat this to myself to keep my sanity. I have been locked up in this metal box for all I know to be about three days. I am given food from a small hole. That hole is also the only source of light, and my only link to the outside world.
     Let me explain my predicament. It was a normal day as I walked with my friends. We were discussing which shops to go to once we got to the city. We had our Pokemon with us, creatures that are not only pets but good friends. From there all I remember is a green flash. Then I woke up here.
     Perhaps the one thing I miss most, other than my human friends are my Pokemon ones. My dear fenikin, sylveon.... BANG!
     I heard a large metal clanking sound and looked out the small hole in my cell. I saw a man, and then... ASH! I gasped, Ash was tied up on a table, as the man inspected him.
     "Hello ash ketchum, I am geovani.  You may know me as the leader of team rocket. Now you my dear hold something special. It is a power known to few. It is how you make such friends, foil our plans, and never age. When you were just a boy, you saw a Pokemon. People would do anything for this, but it chose you. The legendary ho-oh. This is the reason for your ever lasting happiness, for your POWER" he said the last word with hate on his lips "and now I will take it away!"

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