Chat #10

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Jesabelle: hayo!

Hyosuke: hey usually I'm first to start saying stuff!

Jesabelle: um... Sorry?

Hyosuke: I meant I'm not alone anymore!

Jesabelle: ohhhh okay

Sohma: what's up? There must be a reason for you saying something first?

Jesabelle: actually there is

Enya: your not leaving us are you!?

Goyo: I vote you stay!

Jesabelle: no that's not it!

Goyo: phew okay

Enya: wait are you dying!?

Goyo: don't die!

Hyuga: shut up and listen to her!

Jesabelle: much appreciated

Jesabelle: okay so I went out this weekend for a skating competition

Benkei: speed skating?

Jesabelle: no not quite

Mizuki: it's ice dancing right...?

Jesabelle: yeah! We normally call it figure skating but ice dancing is the same

Yoshitsune: so how did you do?

Jesabelle: I got a red ribbon

Enya: aw I'm sorry

Jesabelle: what?

Enya: maybe next time

Jesabelle: wtf are you talking about?

Benkei: what's the red ribbon?

Jesabelle: just telling you would be boring so I'll let you guess what place I got out of 10.

Mizuki: 4th

Hyuga: 10th

Hyosuke: wow Hyuga, did you think she did that bad!? Holy cow!

Hyosuke: 1st!

Hyuga: wow Hyosuke, did you think she did that good? Holy cow

Hyosuke: you shut your face!

Hyuga: >:P

Goyo: I think 1st

Enya: 1st!

Enya: #1!

Enya: first place!

Hyuga: omg shut up!

Kazemasa: 3rd

Yoshitsune: 3rd

Sohma: 2nd

Benkei: 5th

Jesabelle: blue ribbon is 1st place gold

Jesabelle: Yellow ribbon is 3rd place bronze

Jesabelle: I don't even think that anything lower gets a ribbon so 4th place to 10th place isn't it

Jesabelle: red ribbon is silver

Goyo: congrats!

Enya: yeah! You deserve it!

Jesabelle: thanks. I messed up a couple times but I was still good

Yoshitsune: tell me about it

Hyosuke: silver is amazing! Only one person was a bit better then you!

Jesabelle: that's a good way to look at it I guess 😂

Jesabelle: I'm tired and I need to get ready for next week

Kazemasa: next week?

Jesabelle: I skate again

Enya: You don't need to feel pressure! We are here for you!

Jesabelle: it's not a competition! I only do competitions once per year!

Mizuki: then what's going on?

Jesabelle: I have a carnival to preform in and I have my testing

Benkei: that a lot for a weekend though...

Jesabelle: I'll survive

Goyo: you better!

Hyuga: it's not like she's jumping off a cliff, Goyo -.-

Goyo: what if he hurts her ankle!?

Hyuga: it'll heal

Goyo: she could get seriously injured!

Hyuga: it'll heal!

Goyo: she could break a leg!

Hyuga: it'll heal!!!

Jesabelle: I won't break a leg

Goyo: that's what you think!

Jesabelle: ...

Hyuga: ...

(Hey guys! This is just to tell you what just happened this weekend without being totally boring about it. I'll try and get some more chapters published soon here. Sorry for my absence.)

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