Chapter 1.

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It was that time of the year. The day that she dreaded the most. Dark clouds were looming above as rain made its way down; foreshadowing the true meaning of today. The heavy atmosphere in the room, in very one's eyes that she had forgot not to look into; reflected nothing but sorrow, sadness and pity.

At best, it would only rain heavily, but then again, there were those years as lighting and thunder would accompany her already damp mood; loudly and proudly welcoming and announcing what today truly meant. Not that she needed the reminder, she could never forget; it was an impossibility of that ever happening. The world marked this day on their calendar. Even if she wanted to, they would all remember.

He would remember.

Looking at herself in the mirror, a reflection of a tired and worn out woman stared back at her. She had gone back to her original black hair ever since they had become official. He had said he wanted the original Mogami Kyoko, and not the results of that idiot's doing. Now her raven curls were tide up in a ponytail, hints of white were showing. Besides from a few hair strands, she wore black from head to toe.

Looking at herself closely; she resembled nothing of what once was. Age and life just got to her. The life flowing through her veins seemed to have stopped, her health looked like it had deteriorated throughout time. The burning fire she used to have was long extinguished as soon as he had left her behind; left her to her own musings and devices.

"You know you don't have to go." Ren said by the door. Looking nice in his black suit despite the occasion. He wasn't all that happy either, she could see it. Even though he tried to hide it, she could always tell. "You can always visit another time, I know the amount of people makes you uncomfortable and-" She had stopped him in his worries with a simple sad smile she shone his way. That was his cue to not delve any further, for that, he would be hurting her; deepening the wound that refused to close up or heal.

"There's no way I cannot, not just go."

How could she not?

The amount of people was uncomfortable, but that just showed how much he was loved. She had her family for support; though at times, it was them that need the support the most.

She could do it. She would show up, hold the tears in and give a speech to those that were listening. "Besides, I have you." She alway told him that. It was true, he was her strength through the tough times that came her way; through the unfairs that were thrown in her life. It was a simple fact that fate just wanted to be cruel to her; even at a young age, nothing ever seemed to go right in her life. Happiness was never a long lasting reality for her.

But now, he was the reason why she kept going, got moving and bothered with life. He was what kept her grounded and mind sane. Ren was hers to protect and watch over, he was what fate allowed her to have, for now. That is until the evil grin of fate would turn her way yet again, and yank him away from her tight grasp. Dare say the day would ever come. It would be the day she would follow closely behind. As she would not allow herself another moment breathing, if he wasn't there beside her.

"Are you guys ready?" His once manager, turned best friend asked by the door frame. Alerting the two people about the time at hand. There was a schedule to keep; just like their reputation, they were never late and today should not be any different.

In the tired man's arms was a sleeping young girl. She was comfortably nestling in the arms of her father's; like an angel floating in the clouds, unaware of how tragic fate could spin one's life.

From sweet dreams to nightmares in a matter of seconds.

She remembered seeing that same image. It was another man and it wasn't a girl in his arms, but instead a beautiful baby boy. She remembered the tears that raced down his face from the overflow of happiness and emotions.

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