Quick Tips For Your Convenience

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Let's face it, writing is hard. For those who feel to be "want-to-be-writers" does not mean you will be great at it. If you feel like you've read enough novels/books to be one, it still will remain hard.

Nigel Watts writes in his book Teach Yourself To Write A Novel:

"I soon learnt that a novel, like a piece of furniture, has its own set of requirements, laws of construction that have to be learnt. Just because I had read plenty of novels didn’t mean I could write one, any more than I could make a chair because I had sat on enough of them."

The extent of his metaphor tells you that, don't be too down on your first tries on writing and they're not great. Writing does not come easy. As Nigel said, writing come with a set of guidelines just like everything else.

Pick a Time Right For You: Don't be afraid to experiment with what times you write. Me personally, is really early in the morning. As for you may be, when all the light's go off in the house, and people are snuggled up into the warmth of their covers. Maybe in mid-day.

Setting: Sometimes the mood, or room you are in can effect your writing. Try different lighting, outside, or inside. Stephen King writes all his novels in the dark. . .

Let Go: When you write, you can try "writing burst". Which is where you write, without giving a care how it sounds. Just write. Think of something creative. It's a easy way to warm up, before you start on your general project. Your brain is warm and fuzzy, most of all, CREATIVE!

Make Sure You're Having Fun: Most people think writing is an obligation. That it's "chore". If, as you are writing, and you're just fed up with the plot line, and everything that was in the story. The characters are drool-worthy. Nevertheless, you think a baby could do better. Start fresh. Build a new setting, and every which way. Write something that is purely for your enjoyment. You soon will enjoy it. Maybe a 300 letter Short Story. Hey, maybe you could publish it here on Wattpad! Ha! Well, there are stressful moments when you have no idea what to write, at all. You are sitting there rubbing your chin, and just blank. Well, here's what you do:

Take a break.

Writing is stressful at times, and some points, you need to find a way to un-clutter your mind so that idea's are fresh. So, wait a few hours, then come back to that paper, or computer screen, and try it over. That simple. Sometimes if that doesn't work, you should take a day or two off writing. But, maybe writing just isn't for you. Remember, writing is not a chore.

Improve Your Skills: There are many ways to improve your writing, without having to read a very long literature  book. Keep a journal with you. When you are in places, stores, buses, there are many things you hear in see. Right there, you get a line for a story. Have you ever heard things that your mom says, maybe you use that cheesy line in your book? I've done so! Often, you should write things you relate to. If you have a sibling, or other things like that. Maybe you should give a brother or sister a sibling. Then, make the sibling like yours in a way.

Ask Questions: Sometimes, things I write, I'm unsure about. Let's say, I don't know how a kiss works. But, yet my character in the story, is about to have his/her first kiss! Nevertheless, you can't write it, because you don't know how it feels?  Maybe, go to a parent or a friend who has. And, if you don't want to go to dad or mom for the embarrassing information (even though, they should understand if it's for your writing) look it up! Sense you are on the internet anyhow, look it up. Yet, kisses are different for everybody, that's where your part comes in as a writer, you need to write your character's experience with the kiss. But, that's why I say you should write thing you relate to, until you get enough experience to write something the right way.

Research: There is a lot of things you can get from research. When you write, you often need to know about what you're writing. Heck, I did research for this itself! Often, reading will give you great amounts of experience, and it really helps in your own writing. Read thing you don't normally read, read something that is different something that will help you in your own writing. But, you should read informing things, such as this. I highly advise Ultimate Writing Guide by Grammar Girl her real name is Mignon Fogarty. I read the whole thing, and she has great quick and dirty tips in there. You can also subscribe to her website, and you will get daily emails. Which is very helpful.

Write Down Your Daily Life: Don't be embarrassed to keep a diary, if you already don't. This will be a n amazing way to keep your writing skills in check, and it help when you need to tell a story in dialog in your story. Or, in your regular life in general. It is also a great way to help your writing. Also, with any issues you are having.

How To Get Around On Wattpad: It's hard to get people to notice you on Wattpad. You should start dedicating your chapters to bigger authors. Comment on stories multiple times, then you'll start getting dedications for being a great reader and supporter. Share your story to people. Post it on you own Facebook page, and change the "reading" to "writing". That's also a great way to gain support. Ask other Wattpad Members to read your book. But, make sure on their page, it does not say "don't advertise on my page". You don't want to be yelled at. Soon, people will gravitate to your work. Have a eye catching cover, also. That's a good way to get the "judge-the-book-by-it's-cover" readers. I'll be willing to make a cover for you :) If you need one today.

I hope this helps you out. I really do. Thanks for reading, and I hope you do well on Wattpad.

Happy writing!


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