Happy Endings...:)

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***when we get home***

"Yah! That was so embarrassing!" I say face palming myself.

"It was funny though..." Ash says.

"I fell on TaeYang! It was EMBARRASSING!" I half yell at her! How can she not understand?!?

"...and for a little bit it kinda looked like you two were gonna kiss..." Ash says.

"Yah! Shut up! What if you fell on TOP?!?" I snap back at her.


"Well?!" I push.

"Nicely played, Rachel."

"I know. I know." I bow like I'm thanking an audience and we laugh.

"But I was serious about it looking like you were gonna kiss...I know it seems ridiculous, but really. The way he looked at you..." Ash adds.

"Oh my gosh, Ashley..." I say. I can't wait for something awkward to go down with her and TOP. I'll get my revenge. Muahahaha!

***the next day***

"Rae! Your boyfriends calling..." she yells.

"Coming!" I come rushing in and answer my phone. "Yeobeseo..."


"TOP?! Sorry. I thought you were GD...I'm gonna put you on speaker, ok?"

"Ok!^^" he says and I put the phone on speaker.

"So what's up?" I ask.

"Well the boys and I are gonna go to karaoke, and we wanted to know if you wanted to come?"

"Sure!" Ash says smiling brightly.

"Ok. Meet you at what time then?" I ask.

"We'll pick you up at your place in an hour."

"Thanks Oppa!" I say. I hang up and we get ready!

"Ah, Rachel. What should I wear?" Ash asks me.

"Wear this!" I pull out her gold high tops, some camo skinny jeans and a tee shirt that says "You Talkin' to Me?"

"Why that shirt?" She asks.

"Because I love that movie!"

"Fine." She picks another shirt and puts on her "YOLO" hat.

"I'm gonna make you watch that movie with me one day..."


I braid my hair and we wait outside for the boys. I play B.A.P's 'Excuse Me' while we wait.

When the get here, TaeYang comes out to greet us. "Nice shoes Ash..."

"Oh thanks...Rae bought them for me on my birthday last year!"

"What a great friend!^^" he says.

I grab my iPod and we leave. GD drives, TOP sits shot gun, I got to sit between TaeYang and Ash in the middle which leaves DaeSung and Seungri in the back.

On the way there TaeYang pulls out one of my earbuds and puts it in his ear. "I like this song." He says. I was listening to MaMaMa by Tasty...

"I have more songs...here. You find one..." I say giving him my iPod.

He scrolls untill he finds the one he wants. My iPod plays 하루 하루 by Big Bang. "You like this song?" He asks.

"Yeah! ^^" I answer. It's a sad song, but I still love it! The chorus is so catchy!

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