5. Behind It All.

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"Oh, good. You're awake." Allison greets Scott at the foot of his bed as he opens his eyes.

"What are you doing here? " He asks her.

" I wanted to be here when you woke up so you wouldn't be alone. But if you want me to go I can leave-- "Allison stands but Scott grabs her hand.

"No no, don't."

"Why are you alone? I mean usually when people have surgery they're bombarded by every one of their family members."

"Well my mom had came and visited me earlier before I went back to sleep but she had to leave because well you know.."

"Oh. Well, look--" Allison grabs his hand this time, "If you ever want to talk, I'm here."

There's stumbling upon something you don't want to see, and then there's literally stumbling upon something you don't want to see.

"Hey, guys." Isaac limps in after watching them hold hands. "What's going on?"

"Hey." Scott says to Isaac as him and Allison let go of each other's hands. "How's personal training?"

"Long and boring." Isaac sits on his bed.

"I should go." Allison waves while walking backwards out of the room, "I can't miss my weigh-in."

"Allison's pretty great, isn't she?" Isaac says, laying back onto his pillow.

"Yeah, she is." Scott smiles to himself.

"You know we, uh used to be a thing?" Isaac asks.

"No, no, I didn't." Scott looks over at him.

"We broke up a little while ago, but it's still kind of still kind of unfinished." Isaac tells him, basically, indirectly not to make a move on his girl.

"Oh. Okay." Scott nods, "It's all good."

"Cool." Isaac smiles, "Glad we had this talk."

For the record, it could not be less good.

Nurse McCall sprints down the hall as Lydia's On Call Emergency Alarm goes off. She makes it to the room to see Lydia's curtain up around her bed.

Mccall spreads it back, revealing Lydia on top of some random patient, interrupting them from having sex.

"Oh, my God! Hello?!" Lydia covers herself while still on top of the guy. "We're in the middle of something."

Not exactly how I imagined my first three-way. But I'm not gonna lie, I'll take it.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" McCall asks Lydia as the guy grabs his stuff while darting pass them and out of the room.

"Overreacting much? I needed something to keep my mind off of drugs." Lydia explains, "Plus, it's just sex. Or has it been so long that you've forgotten?"

"Okay." McCall forces a smile, "Okay, fun and games are over. You're gonna get dressed and meet me at the nurses' station in 10 minutes.
Congratulations. I'm your new sober companion."

"What ?" Lydia frowns.

"Mmhm." Melissa says, "Oh, and you shouldn't frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile."


"Not even going to ask." Jackson says as he spots Isaac coming out of the kitchen with a cup full of sugar.

"It's for Allison." Isaac explains.

"Oh, Thumbelina has an appetite?" Jackson asks.

" We're baking something for Scott." Isaac tells him.

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