16 Fruit

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1. Cherry farmers hire helicopter pilots to air dry their trees after it rains so that the cherries don't split open.
2.Cranberries can bounce.
3. One pomegranate can hold more than 1,000 seeds.
4. Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside.
5. A strawberry isn't an actual berry.
6. A bananas are technically herbs.
7. Apples are 25% air.
8. Tomatoes are fruit and is the most popular fruit in the world.
9. An average strawberry has 200 seeds.
10. Pumpkins and avocados are fruits not vegetables.
11. An apple tree can produce up to 400 apples a year.
12. Kiwi contains twice as much Vitamin C as an orange.
13. Most berries aren't berries.
14. There are over 2000 types of fruits in the world and probably more to be discovered.
15. In Japan watermelons are shaped like cubes.
16. Plumes, peaches and pears are apart of the rose family.

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