Chapter 1

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"Go fish." I say to my twin sister Sophia and she pulls a card from the deck. "Got any threes?" She shakes her head.
"Nope. Go fish Paisley." Sophia says. I pull a card from the deck. We continue our game while all the adults in our camp do more productive things. The world ended a few months ago when dead people started coming back and eating the living. My parents, sister, and I fled our home because we heard that it was safe in Atlanta. Sadly the city was full of the things we call "walkers" so we left and now we're in a camp at a rock quarry I'm the mountains with a bunch of other survivers.
"Dale, I'm heading out." One of the women in our group named Lori tells Dale, who's standing on top of his RV on watch. Lori looks to her son Carl, who is sitting next to Sophia and I playing with a toy car he found. "Sweetheart, I want you to stay where Dale can see you, okay?" She says.
"Yes, mom." Carl nods. Carl's twelve like Sophia and I. He's our best friend, I talk to him more though since Sophia's pretty quiet. Lori begins to walk off but stops to face Dale when he starts talking to her.
"You too. Don't wander too far. Stay within shouting distance. And if you see anything, holler. I'll come running." He tells her.
"Yes, mom." She sarcastically says softly while walking away.
"Paisley, Sophia." We look up to see our mother, Carol coming up to us.
"Hi mom." Sophia and I say in unison. She crouches down beside us.
"I found something in one of the cars, thought you guys might like it." She says holding out a Camera. I take it.
"What is it?" Sophia asks.
"It's called a Polaroid. Its prints out the picture when you take it." Mom explains.
"Cool!" I say raising the camera to my face. "Smile Sophia." She smiles and I take the picture. The picture come out the bottom of the camera and I examine it.
"Let me take one of you." Sophia says while grabbing the camera. I smile as she takes the picture and it comes out the bottom. Sophia looks at it smiling then look at mom. "Let's take one of all of us." She says.
"Yeah!" I agree then look at Carl. "Carl will you take the picture for us?" I ask.
"Sure." He says and Sophia hands him the camera. We get up and I stand on moms right while Sophia stands to her left and mom wraps her arms around us.
"Say cheese." Carl says.
"Cheese." Sophia, mom and I say in unison as Carl takes the picture. He hands me the camera.
"Thank you." I tell him.
"Your welcome." He says.
"I got to go wash clothes, find me if you need anything okay girls." Mom says.
"Okay." We say in unison and mom walks away.
"Carl, smile." I say holding up the camera. Carl, Sophia and I wander around the camp taking pictures of everyone. We got one of Dale and Jim together, one of Amy, one of Carl and his mom when she got back from the woods, and one of Shane. There's a lot more people in our group but those are the only one's we really talk to, all the others that we talk to are on a run scavenging for supplies in Atlanta and should be back before too long.
"Should we take one of dad." Sophia asks. I look in direction of our families tent where our father, Ed was sitting outside smoking. I looked back at Sophia.
"Do you think he'll get mad?" I ask softly.
"I don't know, I'll try." She says taking the camera and walking up to dad with me close behind. We stop in front of him.
"Dad smile." Sophia says holding up the camera.
"What?" Dad asks narrowing his eyes.
"We wanted to get a picture of you." I explain.
"No." He says.
"But-." Sophia gets cut off.
"I said no!" Dad shouts. "Now get away from me." He says. Sophia and I bod and walk away with our heads hanging low.
"Why is he so mean?" Sophia sniffles. I look at her to see she has tears forming in her eyes.
"Don't cry Sophia." I say softly while wiping the tears.
"But he's always mean to us, and he's always hurting mom. I'm scared of him." She says.
"Me too." I admit. "But we can't be. We have to be brave okay." I say. She nods.
"Let's go back to the RV." I say grabbing her hand. When we get there we see Dale and Jim working on the front of the RV and Amy pacing back and forth.
"It's late. They should've been back by now." She says talking about the group that went into Atlanta for supplies.
"Worrying won't make it better." Dale says. Amy continues pacing.
"I'm sure they're fine. Andrea's strong, she'll be back." I assure her. She smiles slightly.
"Thanks Paisley." She says before walking away.
"I'm gonna go hang out with mom for a little while." Sophia says.
"Okay." I says and she walks over to where mom is. I make my way to Carl's and Lori's tent where Lori, is hanging laundry on a clothes line and Shane is teaching Carl how to tie knots. Carl looks up.
"Hey Paisley." He says smiling.
"Hi." I smile back. Then we hear a radio we have on top of the RV turn on.
"Hello, base camp!" We hear one of the men on the run, T-dog's voice. "Can anybody out there hear me?" He asks. Shane gets up and walks over to the RV, Carl and I run close behind. Dale's already on top of the RV with the radio.
"Hello? Hello?" Dale says into the walkie thing attached to the radio. "Reception's bad on this end. Repeat. Repeat."
"Shane is that you?" T-dog asks. Then we hear static.
"Is that them?" Lori asks. Dale messes with dial so we can hear them again.
"We're in some deep shit. We're trapped in the department store." T-dog explains.
"He say they're trapped?" Shane asks.
"There are geeks all over the place. Hundreds of 'em. We're surrounded." T-dog says.
"T-dog, repeat that last. Repeat." Dale says into the walkie. Then all we hear is static.
"He said the department store." Lori points out.
"I heard it too." Dale says. Lori steps up to Shane.
"No way." Shane says before she can suggest anything. "We do not go after them. We do not risk the rest of the group. Y'all know that."
"So we're just gonna leave her there?" Amy asks talking about her sister. Shane walks up to her.
"Look Amy, I know that this is not easy-."
"She volunteered to go to help the rest of us." Amy cuts him off.
"I know, and she knew the risks, right?" He asks. "See, if she's trapped, she's gone. So we just have to deal with that. There's nothing we can do."
"She's my sister, you son of a bitch." She spits at him before running away. Shane looks at Lori and she nods. Before stunning after Amy.
"Amy..." She calls. Shane walks up to Carl and ruffles his hair.
"Come on, it's alright bud." He says. I hope they get out of the city alive.

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