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I know, I know, most relatible thing in the world. Why? Cause no matter if you're a girl that's straight or lesbian, girly or Tom boy, we all get them.

Girl: yep. It's that time again! I'm so happy that I'm not pregnant!
*jumps and freezes in mid air like in a corny movie*

Girl: Damn it! No! I'm dying! Oh the pain! The pain! Just kill me now! Please! I can't go a week like this!
*curls up in a ball and rocks back and forth while holding abdomen*

~20 minutes later~

Girl: I need chocolate.

All in all they're not fun. It's like a monster trying to eat your insides like spaghetti. Plus while you go through that, you have to walk around school/work and pretend like everything is normal.
(^ that explanation was more for the guys reading this)

And just when you think it's over, BAM! There it is again!

It's like you're in he'll and everyday you're being tortured for a week. Then when the weeks over, you get a short break and get tortured even more! 😈

Girls: Expectation Vs. RealityWhere stories live. Discover now