Widowpaw CLOSED

188 5 52

Running out of apprentice names leave some in the comments or PM !!
Already used: none
Black she-cat with a white muzzle
1st. Widowcloud (@_Breezesong_)
2nd. Widowshade (@Snowcheetah2468)
3rd. Widowfrost (@Jesus_Cen_Senpaiu)
4th. Widownight (@WWEBellaSister)
5th. Widowweb (@InTheLightOfDawn)
6th. Widowsong (@_GreyHeart_)
7th. Widowbreeze (@WarriorLoves14)
8th. Widowstep (@GracieTheDemon)
9th. Widowbreeze (@Warriorloves14)
10th. Widowsnout (@TheEntireStarclan)
11th. Widowflame (@Warriors-Madness)
12th. Widowflight (@i_am_a_lost_girl)
13th. Widowlight (@Moonbeam_7)
14th. Widowleaf (@_Smiley_Trashbag_)
15th. Widowheart (@IcepoolofRiverclan)

Name the ApprenticeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang