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The whole night, Everly was tossing and turning, due to the fact that Simon Lewis was screaming practically nonstop. She really wished she could've just gotten up and thrown Camille against the fricken wall but that would be a death threat.

She woke up, stretching and yawning as she sat up slightly. When she finally stood up, she immediately regretted it as she had fallen back on the bed with a killer headache.

"Shit," she muttered under her breath.

Standing up slowly this time, she made her way to the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of blood, praying for it to help with her headache.

Making her way to the living room to watch some tv, she noticed Simon and Camille sitting on the couch, Camille sinking her teeth into his neck.

"Oh what the hell. Really? Now?" She threw her hands in the air while sighing dramatically.


No answer.




There she goes.

She vamp sped towards her, hell driven with a scowl on her face. Before Everly could react, Camille had her pinned against a wall by her neck. She started choking, unable to breathe until Camille had a lamp thrown at her head, knocking her out as she collapsed on the floor.

Everly looked up, shocked at who it was. Simon.

"What the.. How did you-?"

"It doesn't matter. She's out now. Come on, we can get out of here together-" Simon began but was cut off by the laughs that escaped the girl's mouth.

"W-why are you laughing?" He asked, with a shocked look on his face.

"I live here dumbass," he looked at the ground, clearly embarrassed. "But I could try to get you out."

He then looked up at her with a big smile filled with hope.

"Now stop smiling before I change my mind, Cheshire Cat."

When Camille woke up from being knocked out by Simon, she was furious. She tried to fight Everly but each time, Raphael would stop her. He wouldn't let Camille lay a hand on her if it meant that he took the hit.

Since she couldn't go near Evie, she took her anger out on Simon. Evie attempted many times to stop her but Raphael would prevent her from doing so.

Simon, Camille and Evie are currently in the living room. Simon and Camille were making out and biting each other on the couch. It was disgusting to watch.

"Could you two, you know, dial it down a notch? I'm trying to read, thanks," Everly said from the chair across from them.

When she didn't get a reply from either of them, she groaned in frustration and closed her book, slamming it down against the end table.

"You know what? I am so sick of you ignoring me! I mean, you're such a bi-"

Everly was cut off by Camille breathing in deeply through her nose, detaching herself from Simon.

Simon tried to protest but Camille only kept a serious face on while saying, "I smell angel blood."

This got both Simon's and Everly's attention as they looked up at her with curious faces.

Camille made her way towards the two guards standing near them, saying, "we've been breached. I don't know how many there are, but it's the real thing. I want them stopped now, I don't care how."

She passed the guards and stopped at the staircase, turning around and walking back while continuing speaking.

"They're near the stairwell or in it, go." She motioned the guards to leave, using her hand.

When the guards left, she walked over to a dazed looking Simon, whom was still sitting on the couch.

"It's alright darling, will you just stay right there, just for a minute? Are you alright?"

"I'm a little light hearted," he laughed then said, "light headed, light hearted and light headed."

"I guess I had a little too much to drink," she replied, causing Simon to laugh once again.

"You had- that's a mind blower because you had too much to drink and I'm.." He picked up his empty cup, looking at it before shrugging and saying, "..whatever I am."

Camille then walked over to the phone, mumbling something under her breath before picking it up and stating that, "they're in the building," and to "stop them."

Simon and Everly shared a look, knowing it's most likely his friend's. They sat there for a few minutes, silently communicating with each other. Well, mouthing words to each other to be exact, hoping Camille doesn't see them.

Noise could be heard from the floor below them and they grew anxious. Camille walked back over to them so they immediately looked away from each other.

Simon then went back to faking being in a daze, pretty much seeming high.

"Why is it so loud out there? What is that?" The boy questioned.

"It's nothing dear it's just a party, you know the neighbours in these place's short-term rentals," Camille tried waving it off like they'd believe her for a second.

Of course they didn't though, it was a total lie. Simon's friends were coming to save him.

Oml so I totally forgot to do a disclaimer so here we go...

DISCLAIMER- all rights go to Cassandra Clare and Ed Decter. I own nothing other than Everly Santiago and her backstory.

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