Chapter 1

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     Her face is never too far from his memory, even in his waking hours, he thinks of her. But in his sleep, she is always there. Every night since he lost her, Scott has seen Allison, sometimes it is a happy memory, or the first time they met, but nights like tonight, he is haunted by her face.

     "It's okay. It's perfect. I'm in the arms of my first love. The first person I ever loved. The person I'll always love."

     Her last words linger in his head as he jolts awake in a sweat. Scott glances over at his phone to see a text from Stiles.


Dad's Scanner just went off. Beast. Meet at the Entrance to the tunnels. 10 minutes. Tell the pack.

     After calling Liam, and the rest of the pack, Scott brushed his teeth and got on his motorcycle and started toward the tunnels. Scott worried, the beast was getting smarter, and he feared he was about to remember his name. The pack and Him hasn't caught a trace of the beast for days, but hopefully today would be different. 

Scott P.O.V

     I fear what the absence of the dread doctors means, Theo said they have been working on a fail safe, something to kill the beast if it gets out of control, but Theo claims to have no idea. As I drive to the tunnels I almost nod off to sleep, but then jolt awake. These past weeks have been hard for me, I barely get any sleep anymore, her face is always there. It's like her face is seared into my eyelids. Along with the dreams, as I walk through town some days, I swear that I catch her scent, and I begin to follow it. Then I realize, she is gone, and never coming back. I should have saved her. I should have been the one to get skewered with that sword. It was my price to pay, I'm the alpha, the weight should fall on my shoulders. I try to keep the promise I made to myself the night she died.. No one else dies, but it seems I'm too weak to keep my promise.

     I come out of my thoughts as I arrive at the tunnels and gather at the entrance with my pack.

     "So," Stiles starts "Do you think, by chance, the beast is in a non killing mood today, or will I miss the Star Wars marathon on TV tonight?"

     "Seriously, Stiles? We are about to go into a tunnel with a huge psycho werewolf, and your thinking about Star Wars?" Lydia chuckled.

     "Okay, so can we just go take care  of this? I have to meet Braeden later." Malia growled at the two.

She has been more distant than usual lately and I fear, she is losing her humanity more and more everyday.

     "Liam, you got his scent?" I ask my beta.


I'm proud of my beta, he has become so much more in control, and mature lately. He is handling his abilities better than I did as a beta.    

We follow Liam down into the tunnels. The pack has been casting me wary glances. Especially Kira. I've been avoiding her lately, all I have been able to think is Allison, and I'm scared she is starting to figure me out. I've been waiting to tell her for when we aren't always constantly in danger of being killed. Liam no doubt is curious as to why I asked him to get the beasts' scent. None of them need to know that all I have been able to smell since I got to the tunnels was Allison. I drifted into my thought again as we traveled through the tunnels, and didn't even notice we stopped until Theo appeared from around the corner.

     "So guys, it looks like you found the Dread Doctor's lair." Theo laughed, but it was a low, guttural laugh.

     "You knew we were coming. You set us up!" Stiles yelled. He still doesn't trust Theo, and after this charade, I have to agree.

     "Well Duhh, but I'm not the surprise here. She is"

As he finished talking, a low growl came from the shadows and a figure with glowing eyes emerged, what I saw brought me to my knees. I can't believe it, she is really alive! I ran to the figure and embraced her, but she shoved him back.

"Allie! It's you, but what happened to your eyes?"

     "Hey there, Scotty, it's been a while, you've changed a bit, but so have I."

Allison Argent flashed her eyes, extender her claws, and pounced on me. As she straddled my stomach all I could thin about was the nights we spent together, and then I realized she shredding my stomach. I froze, this isn't my Allison, but I can't bring myself to hurt her. I could tell the pack was fighting the same dilemma because they stood frozen, astonished. And then I looked into Allison's now golden and they were the last thing I saw before everything went black.

Author's Note!

This is my first fanfiction! please comment and let me know your opinions!

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