What Are You So Scared Of Sherlock?

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*Your POV*

Sherlock was like an enigma.

A high functioning sociopath.

Well, to be fair that's what you were too, anti-social, and had never believed in love. You thought that there was no point in it.

Until you met him, of course. The man that tore all your walls down just by being there at the best and worst times.

You've been in a relationship with him for about 7 months now, and never really showed any affection towards each other. You had always felt needs to, but whenever you tried he would pull away and leave the room. You had had enough.

Right now, John was at his and Mary's home, and you were sitting in his old chair, across from Sherlock. He was in his mind palace, and you were re-reading the Harry Potter series. All of a sudden, you had this strange and strong feeling that someone was staring at you. You slowly tore your eyes away from the Quidditch match only for them to latch onto Sherlock's. He had been, and still is, staring intensely at you.

Apparently you knowing he was looking wasn't going to faze him, and you were getting uncomfortable. So, you coughed a little to get his attention. It was quiet enough not to be rude, but loud enough to snap his out of his little world.

Sherlock shook his head a bit and motioned for you to come over to him with a little finger curl. Your eyebrow raised in confusion, but you got up nonetheless and walked the short distance between you two. As soon as you were in front of Sherlock, his arms shot out quickly surprising you and wrapped around your waist, pulling you onto his lap abruptly. You let out a little gasp of surprise, he's never done that.

The next thing he did shocked you even more.

"(Y/n), I want to show affection towards you." He whispered into the crook of your neck, where he had previously buried his face.

"Then why haven't you, dear?" You whispered back, afraid of scaring him away. You see, Sherlock has never been in a relationship before and was always nervous doing relationship things. You always found it quite adorable, of course, seeing him get all flustered and nervous was really cute.

"I'm, uh, well... afraid I guess." Sherlock buried his head even further into your neck, unable to make eye contact with you. You started stroking his hair carefully, smelling his shampoo. This man will be the death of you.

"What are you so afraid of, Sherlock?" You asked, gently taking his face in your hands and extending it away from your neck so you can look into those beautiful green-blue eyes of his, the ones that you could get lost in for the rest of your life.

"I'm afraid of loving you. I'm afraid that you'll leave me!" His voice suddenly raises, leaving you shocked for a moment or two before you register what he had just said and whisper, "Oh, Sherlock. I'll never leave you. Unless you give me an awfully good reason to, that is. You don't need to be afraid to love me, Sherlock. Because I love you." You kiss his softly on his forehead. A deep chuckle emits from his chest, causing the corners of your mouth to uplift in a slight smile. Only Sherlock can make you smile.

But what makes you smile even more is when you feel his perfect cupid-bow lips upon yours. You react immediately, your lips moving together perfectly in sync. It's these moments when you realize that you have everything you've ever wanted in a relationship, despite the little affection you receive.

But when Sherlock does show his appreciation for you, it sure is passionate. Almost as though he bottles up all his needs and wants until these few little moments where he lets all of his walls down and loves you unconditionally.

You both pull away since you're in need of air. Your eyes are still closed when you hear his deep baritone voice in your ear, his hot breathe sending shivers down your spine, ironically.

"I love you too, (Y/N)."

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