Chapter 2- Lost

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Hey I am writing the chapters on my phone so sorry if I have some errors like last time. Well here is the 2nd chapter, btw most of the story will be in Bella's POV but some in Edwards


Chapter 2

Bella's POV

I had been blacked out for over 2hrs and I didn't remember what happened at all. I heard crying in the background but didn't recognize the vampire the only thing I actually do remember is I am a vampire. I don't remember being human.

When I finally had the strength I opened my eyes to see this god cradling me with his head on my chest. I moved slightly and his head shot up. "Bella!" He said. Was that my name bella? I jumped up in the air knocking the vampire off of me. "Who are you?!" I yelled at him "And how do you know my name" I screamed at him. "Bella how do you not know me?" He asked very shocked now. "I don't remember anything" I said collapsing to the floor sobbing tearlessly. The vampire ran over to me pulling me into a hug, somehow this hug seemed familiar, actually this vampire seemed familiar. I didn't push him away I let him hug me, a part of me wanted to hug back, it was like a part of me that was lost. I felt the strong arms around me lift me up and pull me chin up so that my eyes were meeting his. "Do you honestly not remember me?" He ask. I was now confuse because why would I lie? "I honestly don't remember you, I don't remember being a human either, the only thing I remember is that I am a vampire" I started to collapse again but he caught me "I wish I could remember" "you seem really familiar" I told the vampire. He started to smiled a bit but it soon went away. "Bella I have to tell you something" he said I nodded. "The reason I look familiar to you is because you do know me" he continued "I am your husband, Edward" I gasped but pushed away from edward. I ran.

I kept running and running, I can't believe he would think that I would forget someone like my husband. I would've remembered my husband. I just can't believe that vampire had the nerve to do something like that I can't believe him!


Edwards POV

I had just seen my wife run from me. I was so confused. Why would she? I decided I'd better call carlisle to tell him what happened. But I heard the phone ring, and then I remembered, Alice. I picked it up "hello?" I said. "Edward its alice, what happened? I saw it bella was bitten!" She practically screeched. "Alice, she was bitten by a vampire and has lost all her memory, even me she has forgotten, but she has ran off and I don't know where she has gone to" I was breaking down. "Alice? You still there" I asked. "Edward you have to find her I just had a vision and if you don't find her the volturi will and you can tell where that will lead to can't you?" She said frightened. "What! They are going to kill her? But why?" I was so worried now. "She refuses to go with them to become a guard, and aro didn't like that choice so he 'takes care of it'" she said. "Alice I have to go find her bye" I said hanging up the phone.

I had left the house running at full vampire speed, following bella's scent. It was getting stronger and stronger but then, I smelt six other scents that were quite familiar, Jane, Felix, Alec, Caius, Aro, and Marcus! I started to run faster, but was too late they were already there.


Bella's POV

I had gotten pretty far away from 'edward'. I smelt a familiar smell, it wasn't edward since there were 6 scents. They came out of no where. "Bella?" The one with whitish blonde hair. "Yes?" I think that is my name since 2 people have called me that already. "Bella this is surprising where is you mate Edward?" The one with black hair said I think he is the leader. "Edward? Who is Edward?" I asked then remembering the vampire back at the house who claimed to be Edward. "Wait what do you mean who is Edward?" The leader said. "I can't remember anything. Nothing at all except that I am a vampire and I have the power of a shield" I told the leader and the rest. "Well isn't that interesting" he said "my name is aro and this is caius and marcus" he said first pointing at the blonde then the dark brownish black haired man. "And this is jane" he pointed to the blonde haired girl "Felix" the very big brown haired man "and Alec" pointing to the smaller brown haired man. "Jane, Felix and Alec are the Guards and me, caius and Marcus are the kings of the vampire world, we live in volturra and we are know as the volturi." Aro said.

"Bella dear would you consider joining us? Being a guard?" Aro asked me sweetly. "Ummmmm I am not sure I would be much help because I have no memory so no sorry" I said to aro. "Well bella we don't like no so I am afraid we will have to 'dispose' of you" aro said and I began to be frightened.

Suddenly I smelt Edward the vampire back at the house's scent and I felt actually relieved. But it was no use they already had me in a death grip with no way of me getting out. Edward stepped into view.

"Well well well what do we have here?" Aro said amused. "Get away from her" Edward yelled getting into a crouch. "Well edward if you want her, COME GET HER!" Aro boomed.

I couldn't see what really happened but somehow edward tackeled aro to the ground so I was free, and he had grabbed my hand and we were running. I ripped my hand from his "what do you think you are doing?" I yelled suddenly embarrassed since he did just save my life. "I just saved you a simple thank you would be nice" he said to me a little harsh. "Sorry, thank you" I said. I would've been blushing if I were human right now. "Its ok but you have to believe me, I am your husband, I will tell you anything" he said hope full. I was already so confused but explanations would be nice. "That would be nice, but let's get out of here before they see us" I said smiling. "Ok we will go to my house in forks" he said. "Ok are we running or flying?" I asked "running" and we were off on our way to forks (even through the water we ran)


I am gonna leave off there I hope you like it. I will post again soon probably either later tonight or tomorrow. Oh and I will be posting before edward bcame a vampire chapter 12 tonight so hope you like it.

But till then...





Yours Truly, Jade


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