My Chapter (Alondan)

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🔼 Chapter: 18 🔼

It's been days since Alisa dropped me off at my college. Timothy has been coming over but I never answer. My roommate would also tell him I'm not here.

Even though, he knew I was. He still left in peace.
It's tearing me up inside. Not being able to talk to him. Not to touch his soft skin and kiss him all over. I bet he's feeling the same way.

Since I don't have a phone, my roommate,Destiny, has been letting me use hers. I keep in touch with Alisa and making sure the gang is okay. I never ask how Timothy was. I know it may be wrong but I'm trying to keep my distance.

"Wanna go somewhere today?" Destiny ask me.

"No I'm fine." I say putting a smile on my face.

She sighs and sits on my bed as I put my legs to my chest.

"Talk to him Alondan. I'm pretty sure you'll want to know how he's been at least." She says rubbing my knee.

"No. I don't want to know anything. I want to go back to track and run until my heart stops. I want to be with my friends again. Don't you see he took all of that away from me!?!" I yell out of frustration.

"I think you should talk to him today. You've never yelled at me like that. Unless we were playing Alondan. You miss him and I think you should go back." She says standing up.

She grabs her phone and hands it to me.

"What do I do with this?"

"Call Timothy. Tell him you miss him." She walks out and shouts the door lightly.

I throw the phone on her bed and get up.

Feeling like I'm going to be sick, I go to the bathroom.

I didn't even hear as the door opened. I just went in the bathroom and got on my knees.

I felt as somebody's hands pulled my hair back as I threw up twice in the bathroom. After I flushed it, I turned and looked at the guy I really didn't want to see right now... Timothy Ramon.

"Get out! No one welcomed you in here! Get out! Now!" I yell pointing to the door. He looked hurt but backed away to the doorway.

"I meant to get out of this room and my life that you ruined!" I yell at him.

He still looked sad but stayed in the exact same spot.

"Do you not understand English!?! I said... Please go away." I say tears running down my face and a sorrowful sound comes out.

He pulled me into him and gave me a hug.
I wrapped my arms around him and tightly squeezed him.

I felt something wet on my shoulder and already knew that it was Timothy's tears.

"Don't ever do anything like that ever again. Do you understand? Don't run out on me like that. Do you know how you made me feel when you left? When you ignored me for those following days?" He says. I didn't want to even look at him so I turned my hand to the side with my head still on his chest.

He lifts my head and looks into my wet eyes as I do the same in his wet eyes.

"Don't ever leave me like that again. Promise me... Please." He begs me.

"I promise I won't ever do anything like that." He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"I didn't mean anything I said and I'm sorry for saying them. If you didn't want to, I should've understood and agreed with you." He whispers to me.

"No I'm sorry for calling you dumb and a ass. You're definitely not dumb. You may be stupid but you're not dumb and you're certainly not a ass." I say back to him.

He chuckles and grabs my hand.
"Can we please go home now?"

I look at him before smiling and saying, "Yes we can."

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