Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

*Austin's POV*

It was the first day of class and I was sure all the wanna be populars are gonna come up to me. I seriously hated them. Chicks kept touching me even though they know I have touching problems.

"Austin!?" My bestfriend, Brent called me. He's younger than me by 6 months and he's been my bestfriend since we both met each other. His mom is the famous hotel owner in Hawaii, Bianca Friedman.

"Hey bro!" I ran up to him and we did a simple bro-hug.

"So? I heard Lacy came up to you this summer at your place." Brent chuckled.

"Yeah man! And she sounded desperate!" I laughed hard as I can. Then before I could grab hold of my aching stomach my sister came up to me and slapped me hard. "What the fuck!? You bitch!?" I was able to yell at her.

"And you're a fucked up moron!?" She yelled. Everyone was there now watching us fight. People were always pleased to watch us fight. It was pure cursing and sometimes we'd get physical. Not the physical way you guys are thinking, and if you did think that way, you're totally messed up!

"What the hell!? Fucked up Moron?" I asked. And she just continued to glare at me.

"You call Lacy a desperate person again and I'll make sure you won't play for this season!?" She yelled at me. Janella is a goody two shoe, and I knew she'd never tell on me, but I just go with the flow.

"You wouldn't!?" I yelled trying to stop my laughs.

"I will! And I'll make it sure dad will find out!?" She started turning into a tomato. "Don't you even know!? Lacy is one of my best friends and you just had to break her heart when you promised her a date on the weekend!?" She was serious this time. It wasn't time to joke with her or even to get mad at her. Before I could even say sorry, J helped Lacy to the school. I ran after them. People began howling "oohs" and some began to swear.

When I got through the doors I saw J, comforting a crying Lacy. Lacy wasn't really my type but I decided to date her to piss of Janella.

"Lacy?" My voice echoed the halls.

"Austin back off!? You've hurt another one of my cheers quad. I swear if you do this one more time, I'll tell dad to shift you off to the suburbs with grandma." J looked seriously angry. I seen her like this before with her first boyfriend, I was the reason why they broke up. Janella's first boyfriend was Jackson. Jackson was a year older than us and he was like a brother to me. He taught me how to play football and he was pure nice to me when all of them except Brent, were just some wanna bees.

Janella cried her eyes out when Jackson broke her heart. I was mad at them. I thought Jackson was going to hurt J, but I was wrong. I told Jackson that J had a different boytoy and then I told J that Jackson was getting it on when she wasn't looking. She broke down that day and never forgave me. Jackson left town and of course he continued his football in college. Every football season, J, would lock herself in her room and ignore me and dad shouting about Jackson's school winning. Mom on the other hand was always comforting J.

I back off of their space and Brent grabbed me and we headed to the office to grab our schedules, then we made our ways to the lockers. I saw Selena the school slut, waiting for me there, she had long blonde hair and she wore most of the time skimpy clothes. I really hated when a girl didn't cover up.

"Hey Austin." She smirked when I was opening my locker. "So? I heard you and Lacy are over. What about you meet me later at the coaches office." She winked at me and I smirked. I closed my locker hard that made her flinch.

"I don't think that's necessary." I smirked again and left her and her slut wanna bees gawking at me. Brent couldn't stop laughing.

"Man!? That was crucial!?" He wiped his tears away. I was laughing to and then we or I bumped into someone. I looked at the girl and I ignored her and just wiped the dust off if my shoulder.

"Jerk." She mumbled. My head snapped back at her and she was still picking up her books.

"Excuse me?" I yelled. She flipped her hair and bam! She was beautiful! Chocolate brown hair, pointy nose, eyes like the ocean. I'm sure she was a blonde before. Pink lips and how she dresses made me gawk at her beauty. She was wearing this summer dress that made her look like a 80's chick, and boy, I may say she was rocking it!?

"I said you're a Jerk. Gosh! I can't believe it's my first day and I already met the school's asshole!" She yelled. Damn. I thought she was pure innocent.

"Hey! I'm not the school's asshole!" I yelled. To correct her I was the Jock / Bad boy here. I'm just a player. Not the asshole. Wait. Was that right? Shit! I am the asshole!

"Austin Sanchez Aguiles? Forbes youngest billionaire inheritor? Owns about 3 Ferraris and 5 Ducatis? Lives in a 3 story house that has around 20 bedrooms and a theater added, and those rooms don't include the kitchen, pantry and shit?" She cocked an eyebrow. Damn! Who is this chick?

"What are you? A reporter?" I asked confused.

"I can't believe you don't remember me." She looked angry, but no? I don't remember her.

"CIARA!" A girl yelled through the halls. I looked at the girl I bumped into and she was looking to a specific direction. Before I even got to see who was calling her the person ran toward us and hugged her tight.

"Janella!!! I missed you!" The girl smiled. Then I noticed J growling at me. I shrugged it off and was about to talk but the lady of talkative town started.

"I can't believe you're back! How was Los Angeles?" J yelled. Ciara? Los Angeles? Hmm? Who is she?

The girl named Ciara giggled and then turned to me. "What Austin? Still can't remember me?" She asked. Ciara? As is Ciara Vanderbilt?

"CIARA VANDERBILT!?" I yelled and as soon I processed the information, people were already staring.

"You're correct. I can't believe you already forgot me." She giggled before she hugged me. "How were you Austin?" She whispered in my ear. All I could do was push her off me. She gave me a shocked look. I could feel tears ready to burst from my eyes.

Ciara was the first girl I ever loved. When her parent found out she was dating me, she was sent to live in L.A with her aunt. She didn't say goodbye to me in person, but just left a letter. I can't believe she's back. I could hear people gossiping and staring at us. I turned and snapped at them, telling them to go to there own businesses, then I snapped back at her, Ciara.

"Austin. Are you ok?" She asked. How brutal was this scene right now? How could she come back, when she knew she broke my heart. That bitch came back and she had the nerve to hug me!?

"No Ciara! Why did you come back!?" I yelled and shook her. Tears were now streaming down her face, her pretty face. The face I used to draw on a napkin in our favorite diner.

"Austin! Enough!? You're hurting her!?" Janella yelled at me. I snapped my eyes towards J.

"Don't ever tell me I'm hurting her! You don't know what happened. You never knew, you self-centered goody two shoed BITCH!?" I emphasized the word 'bitch'. Before me and Janella could ever get into physical hitting the boys pulled me and her away from each other. They knew once I used those words on her, everything was going to become a jungle.

"Don't ever think I'm self-centered!? You were featured in more magazines without telling me! You cling to mom more than me! And you're dad's favorite at everything!? I can never compete with you Austin!? So, don't ever call me a self-centered goody two shoed bitch!" Tears were streaming down her face. It was true. Mom and dad gave me more attention. J had to work hard for them to notice her. The boys let me go and I fell down to the floor. I felt guilty.

I strained myself and barged out the school doors. I hopped in my Ferrari and left the school premises. I went to the only place that comforted me. Once I got there, my phone kept blasting. It always showed Brent's name. I'm sure our first period teacher was searching for me. I really never cared. I don't care wether they called my mom or my dad.

Nothing really changes me. Except her.


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-Nare! <3

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