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Mia's Pov
*next day*

I woke up to Sarah splashing water in my face.

"Wake up! We're gonna be late!"

I got up and looked at the clock 7:40. fuck! grabbed my clothes and changed as fast as I could. I ran downstairs grabbing 2 bananas 1 for me and the other for Sarah.

I parked my car and walked with Sarah to the front doors of the school. I went to my class and listened to the bullshit of a lesson Ms. Angel was teaching. After class was over I walked to my second period.

(Time skip cuz I'm lazy)
*4th period*

"Alright class! It's time to move seats!"

"Fuck" I say under my breath I was actually enjoying my seat next to Derek

I hate moving seats. We move every quarter and starting today was the third quarter. (Ok idk if they do this at your school? But where I live we have 4 quarters every school year. Ya feel?) mr. Horel put up the seating chart on the projector. You might be thinking oh my gosh it's high school you still change seats? Yes we do and it's dumb asf! But mr. Horel enjoys doing it.

As I look up at the board I see I'm at the font seat and Derek was across the room from me. This day can't get any fucking worse. I sigh and walk to my seat. I throw my backpack on my desk.

*couple minutes later*

"Mia" I heard someone yell/whisper while mr. Horel was teaching us a lesson.

I look back and see Derek trying to mouth something. I scrunch my eyebrows and look up ahead going through my binder looking for a blank piece of paper. I grab a pen and write my number on it.

Note from Mia: Text me. Idk wtf ur saying (639)717-5392

I fold the paper into a small square and get up from my seat pretending to go to the water fountain which was behind Derek's seat. I was walking to the water fountain when I passed Derek I handed him the letter when mr. Horel wasn't looking.

I walked back to my seat after a fake sip of water. I see from the corner of my eyes Derek opening up the note.

A couple minutes later I got a text.

Unknown: it's Derek.
Mia: I know
Derek: I was trying to say can I copy your home work?
Mia: All that just to copy my homework?
Derek: well yeah kinda sorry
Mia: you could have asked Lilliana
Derek: who the fuck is that?
Mia: the girl sitting next to you dumb ass
Derek: ooooh
Mia: I'll tell the boy behind me to pass u my homework
Derek: thanks
Mia: no problem
Derek: you never told me we had seating charts?
Mia: mr. Horel changes it every quarter
Derek: oh. That's fucking dumb
Mia: tell me about it

Right when I sent that text I saw a big hand waiting for me to give them my phone. I look up slowly and see its mr. Horel. Damn it!

"I thought putting you in the front row would make you pay attention. See me after class"

"Bitch" I roll my eyes. He grabs my phone and puts it in his desk.

A few seconds later I feel a paper ball get thrown at me. Oh hell no! Who the fuck is gonna get jumped today?

I grab the paper from the floor and look up seeing Derek telling me to open it. Is this elementary school again wtf? I glare at him and opened it.

D: Hahahahaha. You got your phone taken away!
M: Bitch! I'll fucking punch you!

I threw the paper back and faced the front as fast as I could so I wouldn't get caught. A couple minutes later I got the note back.

D: What you going to do now?
M: pass notes with you. I guess
D: I guess that's our new things since you don't have your damn phone!
M: hold the fuck up! I didn't want to be in the front row of this damn class! It's not my fault!
D: mmhm
M: what are you doing this weekend?
D: nothing. How about we go do something together?
M: ok. Like what?
D: go to in n out, the movies, then the park or something?
M:ok. I'll text you later tonight. Class is about to end.

Derek and I passed notes to each other the entire period. Mr. Horel didn't notice because he thought I was taking notes. I packed up my stuff and waited at my desk while everyone was leaving.

"Mia. I know your phone is the best thing in the world but you may not be on it in my class. I have told you many times. So every time you walk into my class you put it on my desk until the end of class and I give it to you after class. Or you leave it at your locker for my period"

"What the fuck? This is bullshit" I get up snatching my phone out of his hand

"Should have thought of that before you went on your phone in my class"

"Whatever" I scoff as I open the door harder then I meant to but I was pretty pissed.

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Again with the reads Thank you! 60 in 2 fucking days! That's crazy to me at least! Anyways it's Friday! I'm glad schools over!! And all that shit. Next week is a bull shit week but the week after next I'm getting my nails done cuz I haven't in a while! And I'm going to LA for my sisters birthday! I'm so excited! Alright goodnight! Or good afternoon! Or good morning! Where ever you are!

Vote! And comment!

Notes ✘ Derek LuhWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu