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Dill's PoV

I gazed upon the vast land that was blessed with me having been standing on it. Soon this ground shall bend and twist in the name of its new overlord. I will soon no longer be known by my pathetic excuse for a nickname, then this bleak universe shall belong to my dear Jean Louise and I. However, our plans of our marriage on the day this earth becomes our land have been cut short due to our unexpected travel to the Atlantic Ocean. You know, that puddle that fish live in. I should have informed my love of our change in speed, alas I was to foolish to tell her. The guilt of my mistake has now latched onto me and seems to be sojourn in my soul. However, I can not let this vexation get to me. I must conquer it....for her. That ray of beauteous light that has blessed my existence! That star in the cold night sky that shall never leave me. My rose in a garden of wilting weeds! Jean Louise Finch, my dearest fallen angel!

I had a pleasant nights rest that night, even thought we had just crashed on a barren island surrounded with nothing but trees and the impending fear of death. But the log cabin Scout and I made with built in heating was definitely the most comfortable place I had slept in. That morning, I had received a call from the broken can that was attached to a feeble string. Surprised that it had worked, I had beckoned Scout to come hither and admire its efficiency. Knowing this would most likely be the last time the device would work for the plot of this story, I handed the can to Scout and watched her answer the can. Jem, the imbecile, was on the other line making terrible fridge based puns. I felt melancholy, for my poor Scout had to suffer through their pathetic attempts of humour. I single tear rolled down my face as my darling realised her brother would provide no help for us.

I tried to comfort her, but her sorrow and fear had control over her. An onslaught of loathing words directed at her brother poured out of her agape mouth like a waterfall. All I was able to do was watch as my angel made witty remarks about the Jem of the Finch clan. I felt pity--no, empathy, for her dilemma. The Jem boy had always been an annoyance to my well being, and an annoyance in general. Not even brave enough to go up to a house of a supposed murderer and touch it. What a coward.

"I am sorry my dear," I spoke. "We shall find a way out of this forsaken sand pile. We will make it back to Maycomb, both of us! And we shall laugh at your pathetic brother!"
"Oh my dearest Dill," She replied with such grace. "I appreciate your kind words, but I already know we will both make it out unharmed. We will return to our homes with glory! And the possibility of being grounded....but mostly glory!" Scout then began to grin with joy as she embraced me. "I know that with you, I can do anything."

We sat and watched the orange ball of light fade into the darkness as the pale moon rose from the depths of space. The cold sea air brushing against our faces, causing a slight shiver. My lover turned to me and smiled, she then proceeded to grab me by my unsuspecting hands.

"C'mon Dill," she laughed. "Dance with me!" Without hesitation, she began to dance frantically. Yet something about her jerky motions seemed calming. If my lover was feeling joy, I could feel it as well. Only a couple seconds after she started to dance, I joined her hand in hand. Shining in the pale moonlight, my lover and I danced like no one was watching. Because no one was. We had no need for the incompetent music of the human race, we simply danced to the sounds of the moonlit water lightly grazing the edges of the island. We continued our dance for what seemed like hours on end, until we both grew tired and sat on the sandy ground.

"You know, if we weren't stuck here cuz our chariot ran out of fuel....this would be nicer than it already is!" Scout beamed.
"You're right my dear." I replied. A reluctant sigh arose from Scout, followed by a saddened expression. "Is there something bothering you my dear?" I asked. "Is it my terrible dancing?" I tried to lighten the mood.
"Oh Dill," she smiled. "You're a mighty fine dancer....but...there is something."
"Then tell me my dear!"
"What if, for some reason, we were stuck here....forever.."
"Scout, don't say such things!" I replied, trying to comfort my dear. "If that happens, we will live here in peace. We will survive of the bare necessities of survival!"
Scout continued to frown, my efforts seemed to have been to no avail. I immediately rushed to the cabin and brought out one of the blankets from my room and placed it over Scout, she was beginning to shiver and it was getting colder. We sat in silence, gazing at the night sky with both hope and fear...I hate to admit it, but I was scared as well. Even though I will become the future God of this universe, I am still aloud to feel fear. I carried my love into her room and kissed her on the forehead to let her sleep, I then began to head out side and in the sand wrote a giant "SOS". I sat out on the beach that night with only the dim lighting of a fire lit tree branch to allow sight. I waited for any sign of possible help for that night to no avail. I knew we would have to leave this island as soon as possible, for my love's sake and my own.

That morning, I began looking around the island for anything to help with our departure. Oil, a motor, a plot device, anything. All I could find was a decrepit sail boat, its masts were still intact thankfully. For the next week or so it felt, I was building a grandiose sailboat for our escape. Finally, it had been completed.

"My love! We can go back to Maycomb!" I cheered as I woke my dearest Scout from her slumber.

We left that morning, and got back to Maycomb in 15 hours max.

"That was one mighty odd trip we took am I right Dill?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2016 ⏰

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