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Petra PoV
I felt the chains around my neck and arms. I heard the screams of my best friend as I peered through the iron bars of my cage. I was the official heir to the throne now. The tug on my neck forced me to go out I felt the straps of leather curl around my arms and legs. Then the tray of strengthening injections rolled over. The injections sank into my skin. The pure power of it consumed me. My eyes flickered white from my grand dads power. Full rage consumed me. I felt the hands holding me down. Then it was all gone. The pain the fear and the rage. Replaced with calm as they placed me back in the cage. I hear the whispers of Kayla telling me it will be okay before I black out.

Kayla PoV

It makes me cry when they put the injections in. The thing that's worse is seeing my best and only friend watching and waiting her turn. She sees my cries of pain. It's unbearable to see her face looking at me in pure terror. What these monsters do to there own kin is horrible. They bring me back to my waiting cage and bring the one girl I try and protect out. If our parents hadn't abandoned us at this miserable place we wouldn't be in this mess. They bring the little girl to the waiting cage. I try and calm her down but I could see the misery in her eyes. Then I see her drift off into the place where we are most comfortable, a dream. After doing a quick blood check they drag us off to are chambers. I see them drag her expecting her to wake up. She didn't. I grab her and before they could say no lift her to my chest. Petra is still really light at about age 5. They tried to separate us to go to different chambers but I fight them and eventually get in my chambers and put her on the straw bed. I grab a spare blanket and drape it over her weak body, then grab a sack as a sleeping bag. The floor was stone and I soon became cold. The walls were stone brick with small drops of water sliding down them. I settle down for a night of tossing and turning as usual. My companion cat climbs down and squeezes through the row of bars they call a window. I see Petra's companion hiss and arch it's back looking out the window. I hear people in the vent and the small rustle of leaves. The smell of a tribe of meif'wa is unbearable. I go to look out the 'window' to come face to face with a meif'wa. A force pushes my face to the bars. Before I can struggle a sweet smell wafts to my nose. I black out.

Petra PoV
I woke up to a thud to see Kayla on the floor with a figure standing over her. I slowly back to the corner hoping not to be seen. The figure approaches me with a cloth and pulls it to my nose. I was shaking in fear when I past out.

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