7. mark - secret admirer

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markuh is so shy i love

this one is just cute like mark he's cute i can't i gotta go

i hope you enjoy it :-)

You were walking slowly down the hallway to your locker, knowing perfectly well what would be there.

"Aha!" You called out as you carefully pulled the note off. Another letter from your secret admirer.

Every day after your fourth class, some sort of object would appear on your locker. It was usually a note, but occasionally there would be a flower or some candies there as well. You thought it was really cute- an art long lost from the current technological way of talking to people. You admired that this person put so much effort just to make you smile.

You opened the letter and began to read.

I've been working hard on something for you, to prove that my love is truer than true.
Please meet me outside in the courtyard at two, and there you will find my little gift for you!
i can't wait to see you,

You felt your heart beat faster. Were you finally going to see this admirer of yours?

You looked at your phone. It was already 1:30 and you had to get to class.

Surely my teacher will let me go to the restroom or something... You thought to yourself as you put the note carefully in your pocket.

You asked your teacher if you could go to the restroom for an emergency, which she kindly allowed you to do. As you were walking down the hall, you began to get very nervous.

You had no clue who this was. What if it was someone you didn't have feelings toward? Or worse, maybe it was a prank all along?

You're steps were shaky as you neared the courtyard doors. You pushed the door hard, since you were so nervous that you had no strength. (okay this happens to me a lot so don't judge)

Across the courtyard, you see a boy standing toward the flowers and he seemed very familiar...

"Jackson-ah?" You squinted at your best guy friend. "You're my-"

"This looks bad, doesn't it?" he laughed, holding something behind his back. "No, it's not me. I'm just helping him out."

"Who is him? Why isn't he here?" You asked, looking around the empty court.

"He whom shall not be named has a big plan for you. Come on, let's go." Jackson handed you a card with a rose before linking his arm with yours and making you go with him. Soon you were walking out of the school gates.

"Jackson, what are we doing? We can't just leave school!" You tried to stop, but Jackson was really strong and kept pulling you along.

"Junior called us out, he works in the office this class." Jackson mentioned another friend of yours.

'Where are we going?" You whined as you made your way to a car.

"Oh, I'm not going with you. Read your card." Jackson poked your nose and backed away. You hesitantly opened the card...

aren't mysteries just so fun? the anticipation must be nagging you! you'll see me soon enough, i can't wait <3

You sighed. "Jackson, what is going on?" You turned to look at him, but he wasn't there.

"A~ get in the car, we're on a deadline." You turned your head to see JB sitting in the driver's seat and motioning you in.

"JB?" You muttered.

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