Bullies Part 1. The popular girl

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~your pov~

C/n is working on the worksheet assigned by your teacher, occasionally glancing up in thought or to check on you. You know that you're both pretty smart, but HOW DOES HE HAVE THE ENTIRE THING DONE ALREADY?! You look to him with a look of utter confusion and astonishment. Quickly, you look down to your paper and start answering a few more questions, as he chuckles a bit at your reaction. After both of you are finished (you slightly later than him...) you start writing to each other on your notebook. Opening up a blank page you write....

You: How did you finish it so fast? Number 10 took forever to solve!

C/n: Most of them were pretty easy, although number 10 was a bit tricky, what did you get for it?

You: x=738 y=294 z<645

C/n: hm.. I got all of that except z was greater than 645, since it's a negative?

You: darn it, your right. Oh well, I have a 98.7 in this class, so one question shouldn't hurt to much.

C/n: what? How? I have a 95!

You: haha, guess I beat you in this class!

C/n: not for long!

You and C/n loved seeing who had a higher grade in your classes, since you had all the same ones. The bell stops you mid-thought while c/n grabs his books and jumps from his chair, waiting near the door for you to grab all of your things before walking out into the obstacle course of a hallway with you. You start chatting and laughing about the class and your story's before he turns to his locker, leaving you to continue walking. You eventually get to your locker and start putting your books away when one of the snotty "popular girls" walks up behind you. "What are you thinking wearing that?!"  E/n says while tugging at your shirt. " and who was that you were talking to? Did he leave because your too ugly, or because you scared him off with how desperate you are?" She gives you a smirk while some people around you start to laugh. You try to think of a good comeback but with everyone staring and laughing it seems pointless. You grab the rest of your books from your locker and try to walk away when someone pushes you. "Oops, sorry, guess you should look where your going..!" She says before laughing and walking off. You sit up trying to gather your books and papers, and inspecting the bruise now on your arm. Suddenly you see someone in front of you. "C/n?" You look at each other. "Y/n, what happened are you ok?" Then he notices the bruise forming on your arm. "What happened?! Your hurt, did someone do this to you?!" You shake your head, not wanting to worry him, but he doesn't seem completely convinced. "Y/n, you can tell me if someone is hurting you, I want to make sure your safe, that's all." You blush a little at his concern and nod as he hands you the rest of your books.

~c/n's pov~

Poor Y/n.. I know that bitch pushed her. I saw her, and she couldn't have just fallen and gotten a bruise like that, why won't she tell me? She deserves better then this.. God the only think I want to do right now is hug her. She looks so.. small. Perfect.. innocent. With a brain like hers she could rule the world.

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