Whats Wrong

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What's wrong?
Nothing and everything
What's wrong is how I can't express myself without feeling ashamed
What's wrong is I can't convey my feelings without being looked upon as weak
Because my parents see weakness disgusting and god knows everyone in this room could could care less
What's wrong is how everyone expects people to be perfect
And though you might not say it to their face you'd definitely portray it on social media in any way possible
What's wrong is the hostility put towards me for "looking like a bitch"
And it's gotten to the point where I've started believing it myself,
Saying I have no soul or heart
Because now I don't let myself feel, i numb myself from everything around me and put on the best smile I can cause that's what we're taught to do
What's wrong is this educational system
Shoving work and "knowledge" Down my throat, saying its good for me
But how is it good when I have a mental breakdown because of all the stress
What's wrong is that I've been struggling with my inner demons for years and you just now choose to notice
I could go on for days listing all the things that are wrong
But what would that do?
I'm informing you of all my problems
And you'd end up sitting back down in your seat and acting like nothing happened
Because nothing in my life affects yours, right?
So when I don't show up for school one day and no one knows why, it's not your problem.
And when you get home only to find out that I had taken my life, does it affect you then?
Because you had known of what I was dealing with and feeling.. Yet you chose to ignore and carry on.
When will it matters To you?
After its already been done and there's no way of fixing it

...What's wrong is that nothing it right.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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