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When will the pain end
Or when will it begin
There are times when all I feel is numb
And you might think it's better than pain but when you're numb you don't feel anything at all not happiness or excitement
The only emotion that flickers in and out is anger
Sometimes I'll go months without pain and it's horrible
People will try to have conversations with me but I'm always monotone and blank faced
That's why I started in the acting career
It makes people believe that everything's alright
When really it's the opposite
After many years of this profession I have built up a system of "friends"
I know they can sense something's not right
But like good fake friends they keep their mouths shut and pretend not to notice
It's quite something to see them look at you questioningly and then turn to the person beside them and start whispering
And I believe it's come to the point where I've started to believe the illusions I give others
Which isn't a bad thing in my opinion
It only helps with my acting
And of course there are those people who try to ask questions
It's pretty hard to get them to go away
After all I could never tell them what's wrong
They wouldn't understand they'd see me as depressed and weak
But I'm not depressed am I?
...Of course not, I'm perfectly fine
Eventually I'll feel thins again and ill be.. Fine
I'm normal.
... Nothing's wrong
Everything's perfectly fine..

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