First Morning

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*Mi-Yoon POV*

I woke up the next morning extremely tired and worn out.

I leaned over and debated getting out of bed. But it wasn't a debate when someone was waving their hand in my face.

"Wake up, Mi-Yoon." I heard. I opened my eyes and a boy with sandy brown hair was in my face trying to get me up.

"Why." I groaned, facing the wall.

"Is it okay to call her that?" I heard.

"Yeah, she's American." Hojoon said. Nice to know that addresses go out the window as soon as a foreigner is involved.

"Wake up!!" I heard and someone used my shoulder to turn me over.

"I'm up!" I yelped, sitting up in the bed. I was in the bottom bunk.

"We're going to the practice studio. You've got a couple of minutes to get dressed." Hojoon said.

I nervously looked at him and looked at my ankle. I hid the blue and purple marks.

"Hojoon, could you please hand me my suitcase?" I asked shyly. He nodded and rolled it over to me. I grabbed from it my lace-up ankle brace. I had injured it in my last year and competition in cheerleading a few weeks back. I'm able to start walking again, but I was still scared. I wasn't going to go without the brace until all of the bruising was gone.

They left the room for me to change and that's when I laced the brace on and grabbed something to wear. I just stuck with a pair of skinny jeans and a large sweater that had "metal" strung across the front. Most of my wardrobe was baggy clothing. It's not because I'm insecure though. It's because I was covered from neck to ankle... In tattoos.

I could never show it to them. They'd judge me way too quick. I did a few things of makeup and pulled my hair back like I had it yesterday and slung my body-sling purse over myself.

The five of them had been waiting for me outside. "I'm sorry." I said bowing and they shook their heads.

"Don't be one of those people." P-Goon smiled. "You did nothing wrong." I smiled and nodded and walked along with them in their large company. We passed the first dormitory, but didn't stop. They must've all been in the studio already.

"So..." Yano started, making small talk. "Are you a fan?" He asked as humbled as he could.

"Yes." I smiled as I could feel my neck start to heat up.

"Ah, who's your bias!" Jenissi suddenly said, unable to contain his sudden curiosity. Hojoon elbowed him in the side.

"What kind of question is that? Don't be so rude." Hojoon said, being his usual, blunt self.

But everyone was immediately intrigued, staring as they opened the dance studio doors.

"Aye! Look who it is!" Hansol could be heard screaming outside the door. This man-child was loud! He ran up to me and smiled. I smiled back and sort of waved awkwardly.

"You get to watch us dance today. I'm the best dancer!" He said proudly.

"Yes, I know. Hansol-Oppa is the main dancer." I said shyly and bowed.

"Wow, cuter than I thought." He said quietly to himself as they all set up to dance. I winced as I walked on my ankle to a chair that was by the stereo. Some of them like Hansol, A-Tom, and B-Joo tried to be cute while they danced. Others like P-Goon and Hojoon were charming. Jenissi and Sangdo were silly. Xero was sexy. Nakta and Yano were just awkward but it still looked nice.

The songs were the ones that I really liked, like Arario and Follow Me. It was around lunch time and I could tell this was when everyone parted ways to go do what they wanted. A lot of them just go down to a cafeteria bar that was downstairs. It was basically their own kitchen.

I watched as they all picked out food to eat. They brought it back to the dance studio and sat in a circle and chatted while they ate. I tried my best to sit by myself outside of the circle and just listen in. It didn't last very long. Hojoon got irritated with my "attitude" and grabbed me by my ankles and scooted me between him and Nakta.

P-Goon tossed me a sandwich and they tried asking me about my life.

I told them how I had lived in American until a couple of months ago. I self taught myself the Korean language and I had a passion for KPop and KDrama and I wanted to be an actress. I told them how I used to he an Allstar cheerleader and dancer. I was super into art and music and the color yellow disturbed me. They all listened with wonder.

"You have any body jewelry?" Nakta asked curiously.

I ignored the fact that I had two dermal anchors in my stomach and a naval and only mentioned my ears. I pulled back my hair even further. On my left, I had an industrial with two lobes. On my right I had a helix and anti-helix with a conch and two lobes. Hansol looked curiously as the others smiled at my ears.

"What's all of that for?" Sangdo asked smiling.

"Eh," I thought for a minute. "It looks cool. It says it prevents headaches."

"I might need some more then." Yano grumbled under his breath and everyone giggled.

He only had two piercings and they were on the same ear. Their manager walked in then.

"Mi-Yoon, we need you to come with us. It's just to do some physical evaluation and ask you questions about everyone before you get too used to them." He smiled. I nodded.

"You all can come if you want." The manager smiled and they all insisted on coming.

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