Kenma - Come home

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"Please Kozume, I am so sick and tired of telling you this over and over again!" You found yourself screaming and crying yet again at the former Nekoma setter. To your disliking, this happened frequently and almost daily. One day it could be about how Kenma never helped out with chores around the apartment room, and the next would be how he would come home late at night even after knowing you made him dinner. But despite being out late, he always came back, just like a cat. It was straining not only your weakened body from the immense work you had to do around your home and in the office, but it was taking a toll on your mind and fragile heart as well. "I'm..." You let out a deep sigh, deciding that it wasn't even worth continuing to say.

"..." Your boyfriend just stood there silent with his wide curious eyes averted to the beige carpet flooring in the living room. You knew he was waiting for you to finish and realize that you were late for work so that once you left storming off to your car, he would just take his usual spot on the couch and game once more. You hated him for this. You thought he was different outside of the virtual world you met him on, but it appears that was all he really lived in. A fake pixelated world.

"I don't want to deal with this every morning or you right now." You huff, pulling up your left sleeve to reveal a small silver watch that you had to buy yourself for your third year anniversary. Even though you dropped big hints on wanting it to Kenma, he didn't bother buy it for you. Which was a tad (very) disappointing.

The cat didn't say anything, but rather he moved himself from your presence to the couch. you watched him for a second as he grabbed a pillow to place on his lap before resting his elbows on it. Moreover he began to vigorously work his thumbs on his new game console.

"..." Your legs walked on their own to the door. Your hand hesitantly turned the knob, hoping that Kenma would instantly get up to embrace you and apologize or convince you to stay back to spend time with him to make up for the constant one-sided arguments. But he didn't. So you opened that door and swiftly walked out without looking back. You really didn't want him to see the fat tears that began to cloud your vision.

[ ... ]

Work was boring like always. You sat at your plain corner desk, twirling a pen around and between your fingers. the movement was rigid and anything but smooth as how you would have liked it to be. But even though you were terrible at it, you continued to do it anyways. You knew that if you tried and worked hard enough, it would get better, even if it were baby steps.

Your boss, on the other hand, was not into twirling pens with fingers. So when he walked by, you instantly stopped. The sudden flick of your fingers sent your pen flying across the office. You held your breath the minute it no longer touched your fingers. You were in desperate need of this job and losing it would send not only you onto the street, but Kenma too. And we all know Kenma was not a street-cat. Luckily the pen flew behind the back of your oblivious boss who was interested in your co-worker, missing him by an inch. Your gaze was kept on your boss as he gave your co-worker a not-so-discreet grope to her bubble butt, which in return, she fell into a fit of giggles. He then left her at the water cooler as he walked into his office, closing the door and the blinds behind him. What a wanker.

Realizing you needed a new pen to play with, you bent over in your chair and opened the first drawer. To your surprise, there was a small yellow and black cat plushy whose beautiful yellow eyes were looking into yours. The colors were familiar - actually - the cat itself looked familiar overall. Your hands immediately went to it to pick it up from the clustered drawer filled with pens and other writing utensils. You gave a small squeeze to its furry stomach, only to receive three words you haven't heard from Kenma for a long time.

"I love you."

The adorableness of the cat brought a smile to your face. You continued to squeeze the cat, filling your area with a bunch of, 'I love you's. The rapid fire of the phrase stopped when your co-worker gave you a funny look before going back to his Tetris game. You gave him a sheepish smile as you ducked your head behind the computer screen. Your attention was back on the cat who just stared, and smiled, and loved you. If your co-worker hadn't stopped you, you wouldn't even have noticed the small tag connected to its collar. Your fingers brushed against the letters that spelt your name before opening it.

[ (F/N),
Sorry I am down on funds at the moment. Right now, please enjoy this small cat I found. It reminded me of the cat we had together when we first met online in that virtual world. I hope you like it as much as I like you. When you are feeling down, just give it a small squeeze and it will say the words for me. Happy 3rd anniversary. Love, Kouzume. ]

The smile on your face was inevitable to hide. The urge to go back to where you began and first met Kenma was hard to suppress, so you gave in and logged into your account on your computer. You were met with your avatar who only shared the same color hair as you, nothing more. She held a big white bow in one hand, and a set of arrows were slung over her shoulder. She walked around the village gracefully and confidently, as if she had no problems in the world.

You continued to roam around, reminiscing on every little thing. But on the sidebar of your screen, something caught your eye. Kenma's elf character was apparently online and present in the village. Before you could find it in yourself to send him a message to ask of his in-game whereabouts, he had sent one to you before logging off. You hesitantly clicked on it, and with it, your smile vanished.

[ (F/N),
Then don't. Good bye, I guess. Love, Kozume ]

You just stared at the screen as it blurred from the tears returning to your eyes. It took you a few minutes to realize what he meant, but soon it was clear. That was his answer to the last thing you said to him this morning. It was in the heat of the moment, and you were sure Kenma knew. He had to.

[ ... ]

After the clock hit 8:00, you raced to your car and drove home like your life depended on it. Actually, you life did depend on it. Kenma was your life.

As you reached your home, you slammed open the door and raced around the rooms with the cat plushy in your hands. The heavy thuds you were making were sure to annoy your neighbors on the floor below you, but you could care less at this moment.

"Kouzume?!" You shouted, frantically opening doors in hopes of finding him behind on of them. "Please come out. It was funny, but I am not joking anymore." You say, praying he was in the last room at the end; your guys' bedroom. However, your spirits were crushed when he wasn't. The room was plain and stripped of Kenma's clothes and belongings. He seemed to have left a few things behind, which relieved you only a little.

He would come back. He always did. We just have to wait it out.

[ ... ]

You were lounging on the couch in the pudding head's favorite spot as you waited for him. The lights were out in your apartment room, so the only thing dimly illuminating the place was the moon outside and your laptop screen. Your heavy eyes flickered at the bottom right corner to find that it was now 3:00AM and Kenma still hadn't returned home. Maybe he decided to bunk at Kuroo's? No, that couldn't be. Kuroo was out of the country. Where could Kenma be at this time?

You decided to log into your account once more. Perhaps Kenma was online and you could ask him to return. You did make him his favorite meal that had gone cold by now and you did buy him the game he always wanted. But there was no sign of Kenma online at all. His character disappeared on your sidebar and his username didn't appear either on the search engine.

To comfort you, you walked your character to your home to visit the cat you and Kenma shared. However, the small excitement and anticipation of seeing the cat vanished from you. Instead of being greeted by the yellow and black creature, you were given a message instead.

[ Sorry, it appears that your pet died 143 days ago since your last visit. You haven't fed it at all. You can buy a new one at the village pet shop. Have a nice day. ]

You frowned at the message, exiting it immediately. Not only were you lonely in real life, but virtually as well. At this point, you just slowly closed your laptop, as well as your eyes.

This time, your cat really wasn't going to return home ever.

A/N; My eyes hurt & I think I am going blind. Fun.

I love my virtual crocodile and cat, they make me happy, Kougou-sama//03.06.2016 ♡♡

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