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People think breaking up is this all of a sudden sort of thing. As if one day everything is okay or maybe things aren't exactly, but you haven't said the words yet. So you haven't ended it yet. And then, when the word spill clumsily from tired lips and stained eyes, right then and there, in a blink of an eye all of it suddenly falls apart and everything is over.

But the truth is, break ups aren't sudden. Breaks up are slow and looming. Stretched out over a distance of time. The exact opposite of anything sudden. Breaks up starts with something or someone no one would ever expect that somehow forces its way between the distance of two lost people, and slowly they start to drift apart. But for now, in the meantime, the fading distance is just in the little things so you hardly notice.

And that's when it's been set in motion andthat's when you've started breaking up. You just don't know it yet.

{updated 03/29}

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