Chapter Seven

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Persia walked into the building Monday morning unsure of what to expect from Elena after she'd come to her house Friday night. She made it through her first three periods without seeing anyone but Tyler and thought that could either be a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe her friends would ignore her how that they knew she was in one way or another involved with Damon... which is exactly what she hadn't wanted to happen. She walked into Calculus fully expecting to be blown off but, to her surprise, Elena and Bonnie were waiting for her with smiles and waved her over.

"Hey, how was your weekend," Elena asked her. She smiled.

"It was okay, I spent most of it in my room studying for my chemistry test tomorrow. What about you girls?" Before they could answer, the bell rang and class began.

The bell rang again at the end of class and Persia was out of her seat only a half second behind Bonnie and Elena. All three girls were more than ready to be done with this calculus class.

"Thank God," Elena said, "I'm starving." They laughed and walked down the hallway. Bonnie stopped, pulling Elena to a stop next to her. Persia pulled up short next to them, looking at Bonnie.

"Looks like you weren't the only one," Bonnie said.

"Bonnie," Elena said, shocked. Persia looked down the hall in the direction the girls were looking. Damon stood there in all his dark mysteriousness with a big smile on his face, eyes locked on her, and a single gray rose in his hand. When Persia's eyes met his, he started walking toward her, his smile never faltering. Persia smiled back, but looked at the girls.

"Go ahead," Elena said, just as Stefan joined them.

"Yeah, he must really want to see you," Bonnie said. "We'll see you after school." Persia smiled and walked slowly towards Damon.

"What's that about," Stefan said as he looked quizzically at Persia and Damon, where they strode toward each other in the busy hall. Elena turned to him.

"You don't know anything about this?" Elena was skeptical of Stefan's ignorance; he made it his business to keep tabs on Damon.

"About what?" He was confused and slightly concerned. Elena smiled as she glanced at her new friend down the hall.

"Damon is in love with Persia." Stefan looked quickly down the hall, really looking at Damon. He looked happy for the first time in months. He looked like he was in control; he was actually smiling! Stefan furrowed his brow. In love with Persia? When Damon fell, he fell fast and he fell hard... and it took a lot for him to be willing to feel things again.

"When did that happen," he asked and Bonnie and Elena laughed.

"Come on, let's go. Damon wouldn't want all of us gawking while he tries to sweep her off her feet," Elena said as she steered Stefan away. "I'll explain it on the way to lunch." Stefan peered over his shoulder again at them. Damon was standing there with rose in hand and, judging by the look in his eyes, the only person he was seeing right now was Persia Gray.

Persia stopped in front of Damon and looked up. He was still smiling at her and she smiled back. He was so handsome when he smiled like that; it was so different from his usual smirk. The smirk was dangerously sexy, sure, but this smile... she felt her stomach tighten.

"Hi," he said, holding the rose toward her, "I got this for you." Persia reached out and took the flower, her fingers brushing his and sending a shock up her arm that she hoped he didn't notice. Butterflies skittered in her stomach and she wondered when that had started.

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