Chapter one

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6 years later~

I walk out and through on my shades. I hold the edges of my light blue belly shirt with the edges of my fingers. I don't bother to fix the belt that fell off my hip, just barly staying on the booty short jeans. I sigh and come my long black hair back. My skin is a natural tan color, not black, tan.

I put headphones into my ears and sigh, Pink is a great singer, but I wanted Bruno Mars right now. I take a seat in my camro and turn it on, after selecting the perfect song, and plugging it into the car so I could blast it. I sigh and watch the rode respectively. 

A few hours later~

I sigh, stand, and crack my back. "God that was a long drive!" I moan as I flick my shades back over my eyes. I step into the conference building, smiling at the blue haired German I passed while doing so. I smile and wave at an Italian boy, stop and stand in the middle of the hall way. I shake my head, that wasn't him, it couldn't be. He was never that rambunctious, ever. I sigh and continue my way through the building, finding the conernce room, which goes silent when I walk in. "Oh no, conmtinue your convosations as you please, I am only looking for Romano." I see a hand come up slowly, yet it was struggling. It took me a moment until I noticed whose hand it was. I gasp, tears welling at the sides of my eyes. "Brudder?" I squeek as I make my way through the crouded room, things silent and people begin to make way for me, I smile at them.

"Who the hell are you?!" I look at the man who raised me, than left me. I growl at him, tears falling from my eyes.

"You-you-you-" I couldn't think of a way to insult him, he was always so perfect to me, now I feel as though I can see every one of his imperefctions. I fall to my knees infront of him, my head bowed, tears falling silently as I shakily smile. "To not remember your own daughter is kind of sad, is it not?" My words choked as my through was starting to retract on itself.

"What?" He snarls, I lift my face to look at him, placing that shaky smile on my face.

"If you do not remember me, than I have waited to long." I stand and let the tears fall. "But remember Brudder, that I will love you for ever." I walk out of the room, pushing past people rather rudely. I slam the door shut when I walk out, walk into the bathroom, and lock the whole thing up. I than sat down and cried, not even bothering smothering my crys of angwish any more. "How can he not remember me?"

Back in the conference room~


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