Welcome to the New Age

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I look out the window and giggle giddly. "He should be here any moment!" I murmur, just as I hear a ding. "Oh the cookies must be done!" I pull out the cookies and take a deep breath. I look at the door again and sigh, he isn't here yet. I look at the clock and realize he's about an hour late. I frown, he shouldn't be that late! Once he was late and it was like, two minutes. I gasp, and drop the trey, it hitting the floor and cookies falling from the tray to the floor. I didn't care though, because I realized he wasn't coming. He wasn't coming. I slowly make my way to my room, pale as snow. I reatch my room, looking for it. I pull out the blade and it glints in the light. I cock my head looking at it, than slowly bring it to my skin. I let it go across my skin, leaving a long, thin, line. I look at it, than make anouther.

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