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omg thank you so much for all the comments! i literally died of happiness! im so happy you guys like this!<3

Keep commenting cuz it makes me smile and that ia rare<3



Liams p.o.v

I didn't know what to do, Zayn was just sitting on the floor crying. Its all my fault. If i wasn't pregnant he would be all happy and we would be kissing and probably having sex right now. But no, i had to go and screw it all up. Like always.

I bent down and kissed his forehead.

"Im so sorry baby. You can leave me. Go be with your parents. You dont need to ever see me or the baby again." I whispered.

"Liam, what are you talking about? I will never leave you or the baby. Stop talking like that." He said.

"okay." I said quietly.

"Boys, whats going on?" My dad asked when he entered the room.

"Um, Zayns parents kicked him out." I said.

Zayn sniffled.

"Oh, well he can stay here if he needs too." My dad said.

To be honest I was surprised i thought my mom would have to talk my dad into letting him stay.

"What?" I asked.

"well is obvious you guys love each other. Who am i to split you guys up."

I stood up and hugged him tigtly.

"I love you so much dad."

"I love you too Liam."

I pulled away and smiled at him.

" Well can you go tell mom so i can get Zayn settled in?"

He nodded then left the room.

"Come on baby." I said.

Zayn stood up and my hand and we walked upstairs to my room. Well i guess our room now.

"Just put your stuff where ever."

He set his two bags down by my desk.

He looked so sad, it broke my heart.

"Come here." I said and opened my arms.

He walked over to me and we hugged for a while. His head was in the crook of my neck and I was rubbing his back softly.

"You want to go to sleep?" I asked even though it was only 8:30

He nodded.

We got in my bed and cuddled and fell asleep.


I woke up to my alarm.

It was a Saturday but i had a doctors appointment.

"Zayn baby wake up."

"Hmm, what?" He asked in his sexy morning voice.

"I have a doctors appoint so they can do a scan of the baby. Do you want to go? You don't have too,"

"Yes i want to go." He said more awake now.

"okay lets get ready."

He nodded and we got up and started to get ready.

We were all finished and we went down stairs to find my mom and dad eating.

"Hi boys,  Your food is on the counter "

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