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HI! im finally starting a new fic!!! im really super excited! :) thanks for reading!!!!!!


Liams p.o.v

I woke up to the alarm clock beeping. I reached over to my bedside table and hit the top of it to make it go off.

Great another day at school.

you see school is horrible for me. Not because I hate getting up early or I hate there food or I don't understand what the teacher I teaching but because im bullied. Really badly.

I try for it not to get to me but it always does. They call me fag, freak, nerd, smelly, gross, homo, fat, wimpy, ugly, nasty  but worst of all they make fun of my family. They call them all kinds of shit just because they adopted me. Yes, im adopted. My real parents died when I was little. I don't even remember them.

I sat up on my bed and threw my leg over the edge. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.

After I was all the way ready I went down stairs where my mom was finishing making my plate of pancakes.

"Here you go honey." She said then kissed my cheek.

"Thanks mom." I said before I started to dig in to my pancakes.

After I was finished I needed to leave or I would be late. I grabbed my bag and keys.

"Bye Liam!" My mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Bye mom."

I walked out to my car and got in. The drive to school would be a silent one.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked in my spot that I always park in. I grabbed my things and got out of the car and started walking towards the doors.

"Hey fag, what up." Said the one and only Jacob Truster.

"What do you want Jacob?"

"Well i don't really want anything but for you to die." He said.

"Bye." I said then started walking again.

He grabbed my wrist really hard and i stopped.

"Payne, i thought I told you a million times  NOT to walk away from me. This deserves a punishment."

I gulped.

He threw back his fist and crashed it right into my face.

He still had a hold of my wrist and was now dragging me into the ally by our school.

"Get on your knees gay boy."


"Your going to suck me off. Since your gay and all. This should teach you not to walk away from me too."

I shook my head no.

"Ill kill you if you don't." He said seriously.

"F-fine." I said then got down on my knees.

I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down along with his underwear. I slowly put his penis in my mouth and started sucking up and down.

This is so nasty! I cant believe in doing this!

"Im gunna cum, swallow it all." Jacob said. All of it.

I got up and ran to the parking lot and got into my car and drove off to my home.

Once i was home i ran inside. My mom an dad both had work off today so they were home.

"Why are you home Liam?" My mom asked.

Tears started streaming down my face.

After i told my mom and dad what happened they decided it was best if I went to Bradford schools instead and they called the police and i guess they arrested Jacob.

"Get to sleep Liam, you need to rest you start in Bradford school in 4 days." She said.

 I nodded and went up to my room.

I picked up my guitar and started strumming a tune.

Right from the start
You were a thief
You stole my heart
And I your willing victim
I let you see the parts of me
That weren't all that pretty
And with every touch you fixed them

Now you've been talking in your sleep, oh, oh
Things you never say to me, oh, oh
Tell me that you've had enough
Of our love, our love

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

I'm sorry I don't understand
Where all of this is coming from
I thought that we were fine
(Oh, we had everything)
Your head is running wild again
My dear we still have everythin'
And it's all in your mind
(Yeah, but this is happenin')

You've been havin' real bad dreams, oh, oh
You used to lie so close to me, oh, oh
There's nothing more than empty sheets
Between our love, our love
Oh, our love, our love

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
I never stopped
You're still written in the scars on my heart
You're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

Oh, tear ducts and rust
I'll fix it for us
We're collecting dust
But our love's enough
You're holding it in
You're pouring a drink
No nothing is as bad as it seems
We'll come clean

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
That we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
That we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

Oh, we can learn to love again
Oh, we can learn to love again
Oh, oh, that we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again 

I put down my guitar and cried my self to sleep.


sorry it sucked but it will get ALOT better!(:

Thanks for reading!



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