Chapter 12 High!!

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"Mia I should get you home. You're not in your right mind." He holds my hand and pulled me to leave.

"No I came here to party and I will do so!" I laughed and jumped.

" Mia! You not okay " James protested.

" No more this and that James! I am more than okay. Let's go and dance " I took both of their hands and pulled them to the dance floor. "Where them girl at by David Getta " was playing. I let my body move with the Grove. I felt like I was so fast and the rest of the world is slow. I was swaying my body with the rhythm.

James POV

Mia was very excited to go to this party. She seriously never been to a party?

We went inside and the atmosphere inside was intense. Sam came to us," Mia, James you made it. Enjoy yourself. Have some punch." He gave Mia a cup. I know it was spiked, it's was his usual thing. As she was going to drink it I took her cup from her hand.

" what?" She asked.

" it probably must be spiked don't drink it." I drank it. I could feel the amount of alcohol it was in there. It was heavy.

" aww, it was mine. If it was spiked then why did you drink it?" She is just like a child.

" cause I am not a light head like you baby"

" party pooper," she said making a face.

" I gotta keep you, safe baby. I can't handle it if you go wild. I smiled at her. After a bit later Sam can with a plate of brownies. Now, what this boy is thinking. I went to him.

" Sam, what are you doing now?"

" I thought of making this party a bit crazy. I made this" he showed me the brownies.

" don't tell me they are Pot brownies!" I was angry. " correct Bro. "

" throw them now!" I told him.

" but..."

"No, but's Sam... do what I say. Throw them"

" Okay, man! Don't shout. Chill"

I went back to Mia. She said," why did you tell him to throw away the brownies? Don't you like the cake? I love them." She is so innocent.

" Trust me, baby, they were not brownies," I told her.

"James I gotta go to the washroom," she said.

" Okay, I will be here. Come quick " I was standing in the corner when Sam came to me. I called out to him. " Hey, Sam did you got to ride of those brownies? "

" Yeah, Bro. Jenna comes here." She called out to a girl.

"Hey, Sam what's up?"

" did you throw out those brownies that I told you to?"

" no, I kept them on the table near the bathroom sink. I felt bad just to throw them."

"Oh no," I said.

"What happened now?" Sam asked.

" Mia went to the washroom just now."

" So that doesn't mean she will eat them?"

" Have I told you that she loves cake?!"

" Oh god " we made our way to the washroom hurriedly. I saw Mia came out holding the plate of brownies. Laughing and giggling. I could see the plate was nearly empty.

" shit was were late," Sam said.

" Why didn't you throw them yourself?" I shouted angrily at him.

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