Ch. 9: Year 1 Travelling w/ Mom

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Serena's POV

Mom and I had finally left the village a couple of hours ago. We were heading towards the Land of Rivers to meet up with Shizune. I had told mommy about my special knowledge. So I told her I knew who Shizune was. I was excited to travel with mom. She was the best medical ninja that all of the villages have known. I'm proud to have her as my mom. I knew I would enjoy training with her.

A couple hours into the journey, I told her my dream of becoming a Sannin. I told her that I will achieve it no matter what because I want to be useful to someone and protect all of my loved ones. She stared at me wide eyes. I just grinned back at her and kept walking. Mommy eventually told me about the man she loved long ago and her brother that both died. I already knew the story but I had tears in my eyes hearing it from her mouth.

We had finally arrived at the hotel. We walked up to the room and mommy knocked on it. A girl with short black hair was holding a piglet. Hey wait a minute, that's Shizune and baby TonTon!! I smiled at her and she looked at me confused.

"Ah! Lady Tsunade you're back! And who's this?" I followed mommy into the room and sat on the bed. Mom put our stuff down and sat down beside me putting an arm around my shoulder. I leaned into her touch and rested my head on her arm.

"Shizune this is my daughter Serena." Shizune was frozen for a couple of minutes. "She's your what?!? B-but h-how, you told me that was dead!" she exclaimed.

Mom nodded her head. "Yes that is what I believed also, but the old geezer hid it from Jiraiya and I." She scowled. I giggled at her expression and stood up.

I walked up to Shizune. "Hi there! It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you!" Well actually I know her from the anime, so I think it will be great to get to personally know her. She crouched down to my height and smiled at me. "Hello there Serena. My you're beautiful child aren't you. She looks exactly like you and Jiraiya, doesn't she Lady Tsunade?" Mom nodded her head and gave me a soft smile.

She picked me up and nuzzled her face into my neck. I giggled because her hair was tickling my face. "Haha mommy, your hair tickles!" I touched her hair and stroked it. It was just like mine, soft, silky and pale blonde. She started stroking my hair also. We pulled apart and looked each other with the same amber eyes. I was glad I got the looks from my mom. She put her forehead on mine.

"Yes Shizune she does look like us. She's ours. All ours." I eventually laid my head on her chest and fell asleep.

Third POV

Tsunade heard her deep breathing and put her under the covers. She tucked her in and kissed her cheek. She looked at her affectionately. She knew that she will be a strong child, even stronger than her. She felt proud and happy that she got her little angel first.

"Shizune. I believe that I should start training her tomorrow. Because she is the daughter of two powerful sannin it won't be long before other nins start coming after her." Tsunade stated.

"I think that's fine lady Tsunade. You can sense her chakra, can't you? It's immense. More bigger than a jounin. She will be powerful."

Tsunade nodded. She was tired from travelling so the both fell asleep. Tsunade slept beside Serena and held her close, protectively.

***Time Skip to Next morning***

Serena's POV

I woke up the next day feeling refreshed. I went to the bathroom and took a shower. Hot water fell on my back. Scrubbing myself to get rid of the dirt, I put on some Lavender shampoo and massaged it into my hair. I rinsed off and put on my clothes. I went out to get some breakfast at the local dango shop. After I finished I went back to the hotel to get mommy for training.

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