Dean x Reader

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Okay, this first one is  really really long which is probably a stupid way to start a collection of imagines, so I'm going to publish it in two parts. Even so, both parts are still quite lengthy. Sorry. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy it. ~ Niamh

Imagine: You are on a date with a guy you met at the bar but Dean appears and it all goes wrong.

*By the way, the bold at the start is what is happening in the nightmare :)

Part One:

You lie in bed, calm and content, when you suddenly hear an ear-splitting scream from downstairs. You jump to your feet and run as fast as your legs could carry you. Once you reach the bottom of the stairs, you see the front door has been ripped off its hinges and a menacing shadow of a figure has taken its place. He strides over to your mum who is cowering in the corner of the living room; he pays no attention to your arrival- you are uncertain of whether he has even seen you. You hear your mum, in a terrified whisper, begin to chant. Not sure of what she is saying, you waste no time in fleeing to the kitchen. You grab the knife closest to you and rush back to the scene where the man has already leapt upon your mother. Her shrill cries flood your ears and by instinct, you call out for her. The man whips round and catches you in his sights. You take notice of the blood which stains his twitching hands, and is splattered on his grinning face. He slowly raises an arm, you feel yourself become weightless for a moment. Paralysed. Before you can comprehend anything, he flings you into the wall with bone-shattering force. You slump to the floor, dazed and pertrified. He approaches you. With what little energy you have, you drag yourself up from the ground. "You're a fighter... eh?" He growls at you in a sickeningly excited manner. You lunge at him drawing the knife across his chest. It cuts deep but he does not react. Instead, he grabs you by your throat and throws you as though you are made of nothing. You collide with the chest of drawers and blackness engulfs your vision along with a burning sensation in the back of your head. Just as you attempt to stand up again, another figure arrives. You have no idea who, or what they are. At first, your attacker is shocked, but then he hurriedly fixes his attention back on you. You feel your body tense, a tingling feeling running through your bones. It moves from only slight to a weight so immense it crushes you. Your breath hitches in your throat and you begin to suffocate, the scene around you becoming fuzzy. "No!" Roared the man who had only just stumbled upon the scenario. In an instant, he is beside the creature and has plunged a knife deep into the arch of his back. The monster chokes for a moment, then suddenly a light shines from within him, only for a moment before he drops to the floor in front of you. Seconds later, you fall too. Except you are caught by the man who saved you. You look up at him through fearful eyes. "Who are you?" You croak. He doesn't make eye contact, too sure that if he did, it would break his heart.

"... I'm your dad."

You gasp as you sit up in bed. You breathe heavily, your chest heaves. You'd had a nightmare. Not the first time. In fact, you've had the nightmare a thousand times. Nearly four years ago that very nightmare had come true. It lingered in the air around you even now. Now, you are far from that time in your life, but back then, things were simpler. You had no knowledge of demons or angels or any creatures you had once believed to exist only in fairytales. You knew better now. The man who saved you that night was Bobby, your father. You were his illegitimate child. For the eighteen years, you lived believing that your father had abandoned you and your mother, when in reality, he was protecting you. He did everything he could to keep you away from a life of hunting. But that ended on that horrible night. Since then, he taught you everything he knows about the supernatural and a few years later, he introduced you to Sam and Dean Winchester, as well as their friend Castiel the angel.

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