Crowley x Reader

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Imagine: You make a deal with Crowley, he likes you and takes care of you in hell. Then one day you find something that pits the two of you against each other.

When you were just fifteen years old, you made a deal with a cross-road demon. The cross-road demon: Crowley. You'd heard of him through a network of hunters. Oh yeah. You knew all about hunters and vamps and werewolves and ghosts. As well as a hell of a lot more. Your grandfather had taught you about the darkness of the world. He said it was up to you to save people when he was gone. So, after doing a bit of research, you decided to have a little conversation with Crowley.

Your parents had been torn to shreds by a werewolf- you couldn't save them. You blamed yourself for their deaths and you wanted them back. Not for you... For your sister. Your little sister was only four years old, she couldn't grow up without any parents. It wasn't fair. When Crowley appeared, you explained the situation to him, though it seemed as though he already knew what was going on. He probably did. Crowley was more handsome than you had pictured. His black suit and bright eyes were unnerving, but at the same time enchanting. After asking for your parents back, Crowley said that you only got one deal- meaning only one parent got to come back. You remember his sickening charm and poise as he spoke.

"I feel for you, sweetheart. I really do. I know it's tough... The world is a nasty place, filled with awful, awful people." He hummed tunefully.

"I'm sure you're very well aquainted with them." You remarked.

Crowley's face grew dark. He could have hurt you. He could have snapped you in half, right then, right there. But his features relaxed and he began to laugh. "You're funny. You're smart." He said seriously. "Which means you'll understand that you have options here... Hopefully, you'll pick the less painful one." Crowley took a liking to you and so decided to sweeten the deal.

In exchange for your mother's life, he got your soul- obviously. But he also promised you a comfortable place in Hell, a room, a good job. You would work with him, be his 'right hand man', if you will. No torture, no pain. You wouldn't be harmed... Unless you turned against him. The catch was that rather than the regular ten years which he offered to everyone else, you only got two. At first, you were completely against the idea. Two years... That was almost nothing. That was a fraction of what everyone else got.

"I'm doing you a favour here!" Crowley insisted. "Don't think of it as less time to live. Think of it as less time to mope about, feeling sorry for yourself." When he put it like that, it did make sense. What would you do with your time, aside from feel sorry for yourself? "Come, darling. This is a rare business opportunity. By my side, you'll be untouchable. I'm very important... Very powerful. You can be too. Why don't I throw a title into the deal- for free?" He thought for a moment. "Hmmm... How does 'Princess of Hell' sound?"

"Sounds like a messed up Disney movie." You scoffed sarcastically.

"Fine, you don't want it? Forget about your mother too." Crowley huffed. He was about to leave when you stopped him.

"Wait." You gasped. "Please. I... I'll do it. I'll work with you. I'll take the two years. I... Just please, bring her back." Tears clouded your vision.

Crowley stepped closer to you and placed a hand on your cheek. "Don't be upset, I'll take care of you." He promised you. With that, you leant upwards and pressed your lips gently to his. You kissed for a long time, neither of you breaking away. Until you stepped back to breathe.

"That's it?" You asked.

"That's it." He nodded. "I'll be back to collect my prize in two years. Tick tock, my darling."

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