What happens when you try to watch attack on titan on your laptop. Then something pops up, a message. Someone was trying to communicate with you from a different dimension. That person then puts you into Attack On Titan.
([Erenx Reader])
[I do not o...
"Don't you dare compare me to them I would never even dream of killing him, hey Eren let me take a look inside that mouth of yours." Eren nods and opens his mouth. She gasped. "Your tooth, it grew back.." She then looks at me and lifts your shirt. I blush, trying to pull it down. "didn't you have bruises here?"
We were currently walking to our new headquarters. Oluo was talking to Eren and I but I wasn't paying attention to anything, glancing down on to my lap lays Mitskuni in her cat form. She always wears that red ribbon.
Red ribbon..
Red ribbon..
Red ribbon..
Red ribbon..
I snapped out of it when Oluo bit his tongue, red blood. Everything red.
We get to headquarters and it looked very dirty. I sighed, I don't like to clean. "Everyone grab a towel and a broom and start cleaning." I walk inside the castle, Eren following me. "Hey (y/n) do you want to clean together?" I blushed. "I- y-yeah I guess, it makes things faster." We both grab a towel, broom and one bucket of water.
I suddenly felt awkward around Eren, too quiet. I continued scrubbing the window and dumped the towel in the bucket. I groaned. "I hate to clean but at least it'll be shining and shimmering at the end, worth the struggles." Eren laughed. "Yeah I guess it'll be worth it maybe we'll get praised by the captain or exceed his expectation, maybe both." We both started laughing and suddenly I fell down on the bucket. I gasped, water was spilled everywhere. Oh gosh I'm wearing white pants and to make it worst I was wearing my black panties. Eren tries to help me get up. "Oh gosh (y/n) are you alright." I winced. "I'm okay I'll just stay like this." Captain Levi enters the room and glares at the both of us. "Tch, clean this mess right away and when you're done go to the dinning area, I'll give you 15 minutes" He leaves. "Uh Eren do you mind getting me a big towel." He nodded and ran down to get a towel. I got up and brought the bucket on higher ground and started mopping the water. I heard footsteps and turned my back. "Oh hey (y/n), can I call you (y/n)?" Oh thank god Petra, a woman. "Hi and yes you can call me (y/n), I have a little problem." I turn my back to her and she gasps. "Good thing I have extra clothing, you poor thing!" Eren came back rather too quickly and spotted my bottom. He furiously blushed. "I-I uhh ha-have your towel." I quickly covered my bottom half. Blushing. "Thanks" Petra walks out with me to her room. "You and Jeager make quite the couple." She giggles. "He's not my boyfriend!" We get to her dorm. "I have just the outfit for you until your pants dry off, I hope it fits you though." She hands me a white sleeping gown that reaches up to my knees. "Thank you so much, you're a life saver." Petra winks. "Don't mention it (y/n)." I enter her washroom and start drying myself off and put on the sleeping gown. Petra knocks, "meet me downstairs in the dinning area." And then I heard her leave. I get out of the washroom and check out the dress in the mirror. "This looks stupid.." I mumble. "It doesn't look stupid, it looks so pretty on you!" I turn around and look down. "Oh my gosh Mitskuni you scared me and thank you." Well I guess I need to go to the dining area. I get out of Petra's room and close the door behind me. "Oh Mitskuni, how is Alex and Hinata doing?" She puts her hand on my eyes. Suddenly I can see what they're doing right now at this very moment. "Alex is training, he sure is training hard gosh I miss him." Mitskuni lets go. "EEK I almost forgot! Dinning area!" I run downstairs and open the door to see a pissed off Levi. "Sorry I'm late sir, I uh had an incident." He looked at the dress I had on. "Tch, next time don't be late." He walked out and so did the rest of his squad. The only one who stayed at the table were Hanji and Eren. This is where Hanji talks to Eren about Sawney and Bean I'm guessing. I don't have the time. "Oh (y/n) come here!!" Oh god no.
---------- This is today's chapter sorry I'm a bit late I've been busy! Anyways I'm going to work on chapter 13 and also go check out MagentaLotus for quality content, she's really good!
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