13: Lucy

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I could feel the stinging pain in my cheek. That was what fueled my fire. I looked up from my lap, I had been staring there for a wile. Tommy was stroking my hair and I had stopped crying.

I was so sick of this. I needed to leave this place. I needed to leave now.

I brought my elbow up and into his face, hearing the crack of his nose as it broke and I ran out of the room.

I was almost to the door I knew he left unlocked. I was around 5 feet from my freedom. And then, he grabbed my shoulder.

He spun me around and punched me square in the jaw, knocking me to the floor. I hit my head on the table along the way.

I was seeing spots at he picked me up, carrying my shocked body into his room, a room I rarely saw. He practically threw me on the bed. He climbed on top of me, holding my hands down.

He ripped off my pants and panties in one fluid motion and began to undo his pants as well. I knew what was coming next. Though he had never done this before, I watched enough TV before he took me to know. I will escape, maybe just not this time.

"That wasn't a very smart thing to do, Lucy." He said as he undressed himself as best he could with one hand, the other busy holding me down. I just stared up at him. There was nothing, not even fear in my eyes. I couldn't feel anything. Only pain.

The pain of him slamming into me, the pain of him slapping me across the face and telling me not to look at him, the pain of my hair being pulled and my head being slammed against the headboard. Just pure pain.

He slammed into me again, harder than the first time, and I cried out in pain. This was a pain far worse than any he had ever brought to me before. The most he had done before was give me some bruises, maybe a slap here or there. But now... This was different.

He hit me again, the tears before brimming my eyes then spilled over and I started screaming. I hated this so much, not even words can describe it.

And then I would have to act ok again. Pretend I'm fine just to please the man who removed me from my life, if you can even call it that, and stuck me here with a bunch if other girls who are all dead now. And he's going to kill me too. I can just feel it.

But let's hope I'm wrong.

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