Chapter 1

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"Alright class." Castiel Novak said to his junior English class. "I've decided we should do speeches." The class groans. "Now now, I think you'll like the topic." The class quieted down.

"Now I would like for you to do a speech about how someone, famous or not, had influenced you." Most of the class cheered and starting to their friends about who they would do their speech on.

"I do have some rules though. Only one person can do a single person. We don't want pretty much the same speech done four or five times." With this being said, everyone lined up to say who they were going to do their topic on. There was someone doing their mum, some famous sports star from overseas and quite a few youtubers. Next was a girl called Alice who came up to Castiel.

"I know who I would like to do Mr Novak." She said and Castiel nods, telling her to continue. "I would like to do a youtuber called Dean Winchester." Castiel tried to hide his surprise as she said the name of his secret boyfriend. He should have known that someone would have wanted to do Dean. He was pretty popular among the teenage audience.

"Sure Alice. Only if he has truly influenced you." Alice nods and smiles and walks off, getting multiple glares from a couple of girls, obviously wanting to Dean. Once everyone had told Castiel of their topics, they begun to write out their speeches. It was a reasonable volume until a girl called Dayna spoke quite loudly.

"Dean's new video is out!" She yelled and about five girls ran to her computer to watch the video. Castiel knew that Dean was going to post a video today but he would have to have a chat to him about uploading them when he is teaching. Castiel could hear Dean's voice saying something about some kind of childhood memory and resisted the urge to walk over and watch. Only close family knew that they were dating and Dean was hiding the fact that he was taken pretty well. His audience already knew of his bisexuality and totally supported him.

"Okay class. Turn your volume down. You should be writing your speeches." Castiel said, knowing that he needing for those girls to stop going off task.

"But this is for speeches." Dayna said as the video ends.

"Are you sure cause I clearly remember Alice saying that she was doing whoever you are watching." Castiel says, trying to make it look like he didn't exactly know who he was.

"Fine." Dayna closes the tab and continues to do her speech as did everyone else did until the bell rung, signaling home time.

"Bye class. Don't forget to do your speeches."Castiel ells as the class departs quickly, eager to leave the school grounds. Castiel didn't have anything he needed to do so he packed up and hopped into his car and drove to the house that him and Dean shared.

They had became roommates at university and had ended buying a small house once they graduated, Dean in mechanics and Castiel in teaching. Everyone believed that they went their separate ways after uni but they had just moved to a different state to start their life together and have been going strong for six years.

"Hey Cas. How was your day?" Dean says from the couch as Castiel walks through the door.

"Alright. I do need you to stop posting videos while i'm teaching. A few girls got off task and started watching it." Castiel puts down his laptop bag and sits on the couch next to Dean. Dean wraps an arm around him and pulls him close.

"Sorry. I just wanted it posted as early as possible but I woke up late and I had to edit and retake some shots so it ended up being posted then." Dean kisses Castiel's nose.

"It's fine Dean. Just please don't do it again." Dean nods and starts to play with Castiel's hair.

"So what type of projects are you doing this semester for the kids?" Dean asks, always interested.

"I'm having the freshmen read some book the school issued and the juniors are doing a speech on someone who has inspired them." Castiel says and Dean instantly perks up.

"Is anyone doing me? I think that would be something I would have to watch." Dean says with humour and Castiel buries his head into Dean's chest.

"Yes. Multiple actually but I made a rule of no double ups." Castiel mumbles into Dean's shirt but Dean can understand every word.

"You have to film these don't you?" Dean asks and Castiel nods. "Awesome. You will have to show me."

"What are you going to do with it though?" Castiel asks his boyfriend and Dean shrugs.

"I don't know. Maybe tell her that I appreciate it. I have about six million subscribers. I need to tell them how I appreciate them." Dean says as he stands up and walks to the kitchen. Castiel follows.

"Yes but i'm not actually allowed to show you their speeches and they don't know that we're dating." Castiel says and Dean turns around to face Castiel.

"Well then, maybe we should change that. Star in my next video and i'll introduce you." Dean says and Castiel shakes his head.

"I can't do that. I'm not good on camera. I only help you film. That's it. Not actually star in your videos, and definitely not as your boyfriend." Castiel says as he walks off to their bedroom.

"Okay, sorry Cas. I shouldn't have asked." Dean follows Castiel to their room.

"Maybe one day." Castiel says as he takes off his dress shirt.

"Soon?" Dean asks. "I just want to tell everyone that i've always been a taken man."

"Maybe. Just give me some time to prepare and actually convince myself to do it and I may let us come out." Castiel says as he puts on one of Dean's loose band t shirts.

"Awesome." Dean says as they walk back to the kitchen to sort out some dinner.


Hey guys!

This is my new story and is in no way related to Talking Is Overrated!

I have seen many stories like this but only one shots or  non copleted ones so I decided to write my own!

Hope you enjoy! This will only be around ten or so parts again

Till next time

Vic xx

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