Chapter 1: Haunting Memories

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"Why is it always me who has these damn nightmares" Selena ranted after waking up from a dream of her old life. "This just isn't fair why am I the only one that gets these. Why couldn't it be Odin or Laslow?"

"Whatever do you mean darling?" Camilla, the eldest princess of Nohr asked as she walked into her retainer's room.

"Oh, Lady Camilla. It's nothing just a dream."

"What about? You know you can tell me anything  darling."

"Well, it was just about my old home, family, friends" She muttered making sure she didn't make eye contact with the princess.

"I don't think you ever told me where you were from." The Princess that stood before her pondered.

"You probably wouldn't know, it's really far way"

"Well if it helps Selena, we can go for a walk. Maybe it will take your mind off things." Camilla asked concerned for her beloved retainer.

"Well, I guess it doesn't hurt." She said as she started to get out of her bed.

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