The Fight

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I maneuvered around both of the fighting boys, trying to escape and also trying to see who this mysterious person was. I backed out, slowly, and felt my back touch someone else. I gasped and quickly turned around, it was Jake!

I hugged him, happy to see that he was back and I finally felt safe.However, George and the mysterious person was still fighting and by now, everyone had gathered out of Jaqueline's house to see the fight.

Punch after punch, kick after kick, people cheered. My legs felt weak, my arms felt numb and my stomach dropped.I never liked watching fights, even in movies when it was supposed to be romantic. I wanted to go home.

"Jack? Can you drive me home?"

"Of course, I was just about to ask you if you wanted to go home."

I smiled, Jake was the best friend ever. He wrapped his jacket around me and his comforting smell surrounded me. I closed my eyes and left the backyard with Jake. I could still hear the crowd cheering about who they wanted to win the fight. As if that was such a great honor, I thought as I rolled my eyes. 


I stopped short, did they just say Bobby? My heart raced as I turned around to see any indication that it really was Bobby. The mob of people was too overwhelming and I couldn't see past them.

"What's wrong? Did you forget something?" Jake asked with worried eyes.

"Uh, no. I just wanted to see if the fight had broken up yet, but it clearly hasn't." I laughed nervously.

"So, tell me what happened while I was in the bathroom." Jake urged.

"Well.. you know that fight back there? I think I started it.." I said cautiously.


I told him everything from detention to waiting for him in the bathroom to drunk George to hearing someone cheer on Bobby.

"Wow. I'm so sorry." Jake said with guilt.

I looked at him curiously, why was he apologizing?

"If I hadn't gone to the bathroom then, that never would have happened!"

I laughed and gushed, "Well we all know baby Jake needs his potty time"

I winked at him as his face went from confusion to fake anger.

"I do not!"

"That's what they all say..."

I slapped him, playfully and walked in front of him with confidence. Then, I felt my feet being lifted from the ground as Jake picked me up and swung me around him.

"Let me go!" I yelped, but I was laughing so hard that my sides were beginning to hurt.

"Never!" He chuckled.

After a couple of minutes, he let me down so that we could both catch our breath from laughing so hard. We laughed all the way until we got to his car and he started the engine. He fumbled with the radio, looking for a station that was playing a good song. I stared out the window, trying to get a look into Jacquline's backyard as we passed it. I saw that the crowd had disappeared back inside, but there was a boy sitting on the bench, like i was. I squinted until I saw a pair of piercing green eyes and floppy dirty blond hair. At that moment, I knew it was Bobby.

His lip was slightly bleeding as he wiped it with his sleeve. He sat there as if he was waiting for someone to come. Bobby peered into the house and looked again, but he had no luck. He gave up and made his way to his car that was parked near where we were stopped because of the large amount of traffic.

He opened the door of his car and when he got in, I tried to make it so that he couldn't see me. I faced forward and made small talk with Jake. I occasionally looked over to the rear view mirror on the side of the car and when I did, I locked eyes with him.

Crap, he had seen me. Thankfully, traffic had somewhat cleared up and we were able to slip in between cars and make it home quickly. I hugged Jake good-bye and promised that I would call him tomorrow. He hugged me back and then, backed out of my driveway and drove over to his house.

I washed my face, removing all the makeup and replaced my party clothes with comfy pajamas. I crawled into bed and replayed all of today's events in my head. Did Bobby really save me from George? Of course not! ....I think. Why would he do that? George was always so mean to me and now, he ...saved me? My head swirled with possible answers, but they all didn't make sense to me.

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