Chapter 9

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Elliot's POV
I was leaning in to kiss her when I heard the elevator ding. I immediately let go of her waist and backed away. I just missed my chance. Dang. Stupid work.

I wanted to kiss her so bad. We walked out of the elevator together...smiling. When we came out, everyone was there. Captain Cragen, Munch, Cassidy, and Fin.

"I was right," I heard Munch say. I was confused as to what was going on, but apparently Liv knew.

"No you weren't. Nothing is going on," she responds to him while laughing.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked them confused.

"Well, I guessed that you two are hooking up...and it looks like I'm right. You ask her to meet you in the parking lot. You come out of the elevator together smiling. Something happened in that elevator," Munch said laughing at Liv and I.

"Nothing happened Munch, I swear," Liv said to him. She had this big smile on her face. "C'mon you have to believe me," she said, laughing.

"Okay, okay. I believe you," he finally said. Then, Cragen came out of his office.

"Okay, we've got a case. There's been a murder...Ally Garrison, 35. She was found in an alley early this morning. They say there were signs of sexual assault. Fin and Cassidy go talk to the husband. Stabler and Benson go to the crime scene. And Munch, you stay here and help me find out some more details about Ally," Cragen said to us all. Then, walked back into his office. Munch walked up to Liv and I.

"We are at work...remember that," he said, laughing.

"Ugh, Munch. Nothing is happening!" she replied, laughing and rolling her eyes. Fin, Cassidy, Liv, and I walked to the elevator.

Olivia's POV
The elevator ride to the first floor was silenced. Brian heard all that about me and Elliot. I don't see why he just can't let it go.

Well, I get it because all those years of me giving Elliot nothing and he still waited on me. We got to the parking lot and went our separate ways. Me with Elliot, and Fin with Brian.

We got in the car and drove to the crime scene. When we arrived at the crime scene Elliot and I pulled out our badges.

"Manhattan SVU!" I yell and show them my badge. We go under the crime tape and examine the body. "So what happened?" I asked a girl that was around Ally's age.

"We were out last night. We had a girl's night. And...and then this group of guys came up behind us..." she replied, pausing. Tears began to roll down her face.

"It's okay," I tell her. "Take as long as you need," I say as I put my hand on her arm, looking her in the eye. "What's your name?" I ask her.

"Kelsie Travis," she replied back.

"And who all were you with last night besides you and Ally?" I say as I try to comfort her. I look up and Elliot was talking with the officer who found her body.

"Rayleigh Thomas, Veronica Wood, Hayley Reed, Terra Hanson, and Jessica Garrison...Ally's sister," she says while crying.

"You are doing great," I tell her as I write all the names down in my notebook. "Can you tell me what you remember about last night?" I ask.

"I...I don't know. I remember that there were this group of guys...4 of them. We thought they were following us, but we ignored it. We all went our separate ways and then I wake up the next morning to hear my friend declared dead," she tells me as the tears get worse.

"You did great," I told her as I rubbed my hand on her arm. "Thank you so much for your time. You helped a lot," I said while smiling at her. I met up with Elliot at the car.

"What did the officer say?" I asked him as we got in the car and began driving off.

"He said when he found the body this morning, her dress was pulled up and her underwear were found a couple feet away from the body. She was shot twice in the stomach and stabbed multiple times all over her body. Whoever did this...has something against her. How about the girl?" he asks me.

"She wasn't that much help. She identified the friends she was with last night, and that's about it. She said they thought someone was following them...a group of 4 guys, but they left it alone and continued walking. Then went their separate ways to head home," I told him.

"Well, all we can do is talk to the other girls they were with," he said.

"Something about this girl felt off though," I tell him.

"What are you saying?" he asks.

"Well, Ally was a good person. She did well in high school and college. It doesn't seem like anyone would want to kill and rape her. And if so, what on earth did she do to deserve to be shot twice, stabbed multiple times, and be raped?" I said to him.

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