Today has been the lowest point. I really can't stand to live any longer. Every one is mad at me and its like I can't do anything right. I can't really stand to live any longer. Everyone is mad at me and its like I can't do anything right. I don't know what to do with my life anymore. I just want to harm myself but I know I need help. I was going to talk to my councilor today about how low I am but I couldn't and I was going to talk to my foster mom and my dad but my dad was busy and my foster mom didn't want to talk to me. Its like I have no one but I know I have someone. I have my boyfriend but its so difficult to explain to him why I'm so depressed or mad in that moment. He helps me with so much but I just don't know how he can help me with this. He hasn't left me or gotten mad when I have cut so that's good but he always wants to know why. I don't know what to do.

My Thoughts From My Life
RandomThese are just short story type things on things I have been going through. Names have been changed. If u need to talk I am here just message me at 2268681276