* Prologue

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Hey, the name's Ariel. You've caught me during my day job. I work as a waitress at a bar. Its a cozy little place run by a monster. Yes, you heard me right. A monster.

They've been free from Mt. Ebott for 2 years now.

The name's Grillbys. The monster who owns the place is Grillby. He's made of fire. At first when I got this job I was sceptical that I would get it, Being a human and all. But Grillby was very open to the idea and hired me.

But as you might've caught earlier I said "day job". Even though Grillby pays me enough to take care of myself it doesn't take long for David to take it to buy alcohol.

David is my step-dad. I'm 18 but I have to stay to "take care of him" as a certain contract he made for me, against my will, says. So I got a night job.

As a stripper.

It pays well and I made sure the manager knew I wasn't going to go home with a random stranger. My manager, Darcy, understood why immediately. Apparently I wasn't the only one who's told her that.

But anyway that's me. And when I went in to Grillbys for my shift today, I didn't expect for anything like what happened, to happen.
Heya! Its Hiroko here! Hope you like the prologue I'm sorry about the summary I suck at those. Have any criticism? Comment something! Everything's appreciated. I might write the first chapter today if your lucky. Anyway Stay Determined and Have a nice day beauties~

The day a Waitress and a Skeleton met in a bar (Sans x reader)Where stories live. Discover now