Worst News Possible

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I drove to the crime scene. It only took about 30 minutes. The crime scene was a residential neighborhood and the body was found on the front lawn of one the houses. When I got there Hank and Wu, two of the four cops(including me) that knew all about wesen and me being a grimm, who are also my partners, were already looking at the body.

"So what do we got?" I asked as I joined them. "A body, very mutilated." Hank said. I lookedunder a yellow tarp to see a body covered in bites and scratches.
"Any idea what happened?" I asked putting the tarp back over the body.
"Nope. No one heard or saw thing. It was like any other typical night. Quiet and peaceful. At least that's what the neighbor who found the body said." Wu said filling me in.
"Is that him?" I asked nodding at a young man who was sitting on the edge of an ambulance with a blanket draped on his shoulders.
"Yep. Apparently other cops tried to question him but he refused to talk." Wu said.
"I think we can change that." Hank said as we walked over to him. We walked up to him and shook his hand.
"I'm detective Burkhardt and this is detective Griffin. We are just going to ask you a few questions if that's okay." I asked as I introduced ourselves.
"Look I already told the other cops and I'll tell you too. I ain't saying nothin with out a lawyer." He said angrily.
"You know. Usually lawyers mean someone is guilty of something. Are you guilty of something?" I asked hoping he'd woge. He did. He was a Willahara.                                                  "Never mind", I smiled, "I've got everything I need." I turned around and started walking away.                                                           "Umm, Nick?" Hank said as I walked away," You didn't even question him."                                                                                                    "I know. I don't need to. He didn't do it." I replied.                            "How do you figure?" He asked stopping me.                                         "He woged. He's a Willahara. From what I remember, they don't kill. They get killed or at least lose a foot." I replied.                "Okay. What do we do next then?" He asked.                                      "Next you go to precinct and update the captain. I'll go to Monroe and Rosalee's and see if they can help identify our wesen. " I said as my phone dinged. It was Rosalee. "Adalinds been kidnapped. I have Kelly but she saysshe's being followed. She also said that you know where everywhere she went.She doesn't have much time Nick. You need to hurry."." It read. 

"Hank I have to go." I said running to my car.
"What's wrong? What happened?!?" Hank  yelled from behind me.
"Adalinds been kidnapped!" I exclaimed as I drove away.

Sorry it's been so long!! I've been really busy with school and stuff. Hope you guys enjoy this!!

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