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I drove to the precinct as fast I could. I took every short cut I possibly could to get to the precinct. As I drove to the precinct, I called Hank.

Now before I continue, this would be a good place to tell you about being a grimm, incase you don't know what it's is, and what seeing wesen is like, and basically what it all means. All my ancestors are grimm. Being a grimm gives me the ability to see wesen, when they woge. Wesen are human beings that can transform themselves into animal like creatures. They are hundreds of wesen out there and based off all kinds of animals such as bears, frog, lion, turtle, mouse, rat, and more. Basically, for every animal there's a wesen. Now humans can see people woge into wesen if the wesen woge because they are pissed off. Humans can't see wesen woge if they woge because they are upset or distraught about something. I can. That's what makes me special. As I mentioned earlier, both of my partners, Wu and Griffin, know what about me being a grimm and all about the wesen world. Rosalee, whose shop I am in, is a Fushbau. She looks kind of like a dog when she woges. Monroe, her husband and the guy who taught me all about being a grimm and seeing wesen, is a Blutbad. He looks like a wolf. My captain, Sean Renard, and Adalind, the mother of son, also the girl I'm about to spend the next three days saving, are Sauberbiest and Hexenbiest. So is my ex-girlfriend, Juliet who now goes by Eve, but that's another story for another time. They look like rotting corpses when they woge. Now that you have basic knowledge of grimm and wesen, let's get back to the story.

         "Nick?" Hank said my name with a worried tone, "Is everything okay? Is Adalind and Kelly okay?"

          "Yes and no. I am fine and Kelly is with Rosalee and Monroe but I still don't have any idea where Adalind is. That's actually why I called you." I replied.

          "What's up?" Hank asked.

          "I need you to work this case without me. I need to focus on finding Adalind. Can you do that?" I asked him.

          "Yah. I think I can. Good luck in finding Adalind. You will find her." He replied.

          "You got it. Now go find you girl." He replied.

          "Thank you Hank." I said.

          "Thank me after you find Adalind." He said as he hung up the phone.

I arrived at the precinct as I ended my call with Hank. I parked my car in the spot closest to the front door of the precinct. I practically ran inside yelling for Wu.

          "Wu! Wu! Where's Wu?" I asked the entire precinct. I went to his desk to see his computer open and his seat empty. At that very moment Wu showed up behind me talking about another case.

          "Nick, you are not going believe which wesen Monroe thinks our wesen is. They think it's---" I cut Wu off.

           "Wu, Adalind has gone missing and I need your help in finding her before something bad happens." I said.

           "Oh okay. What do you need me to do?" He asked.

"I need you track Adalinds phone and tell me everywhere she's been today." I replied.

"Got it." He replied typing on his computer. After several minutes Wu pulled out a pen and wrote down a list of places on note pad. He tore the page off and handed it to me, "This is everywhere she's been today."

           "Thank you." I replied. Before I left I made sure to talk to the Captain,Captain Renard, and update him. I knocked on his door. He looked up and nodded for me to come in as he closed the file he was writing and set his pen down.

           "Nick. How is the case going?" He asked.

           "That is something you are going to have to ask Hank. He has the lead on the case. I actually came to talk to you about something a little more pressing." I replied.

           "Oh okay. What are you here for then?" He asked.

           "I'm here about Adalind." I said.

           "What about her?" He asked.

           "She's gone missing. I came to let you know that I've put all my energy on finding Adalind. Hank will update you on the case." I replied.

           "Nick, we need you working on the wesen case. You know more about wesen then Hank does. You can't leave him alone on this case." He replied.

           "He's not alone. Monroe and Rosalee are helping him. I've got Wu helping the both of us and with all due respect, Adalind is the mother of my child. I'm not going to leave her our there somewhere in danger. My child is not going to grow up without his mother . I am going to look for Adalind and that is final." I said assertively.

          "Alright. As long as you don't look for her alone. Get Wu to go with you anywhere you go and make sure that Hank is okay. If he needs help, help him as best you can. Remember, you're not alone. I am here if you need help." He replied.

          "I know and thank you." I said as I headed to the door.

          "Nick. One more thing", he said as I grabbed the doorknob," Be careful." 

I nodded, walked out of his office and straight to my car.

Sorry that's its been so long. I'm still getting used to my new life style. I am getting the hang of it though. I hope you guys like it and I will try to update it again soon!!!!!!!

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