Chapter 8: Mr. Weasley

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This chapter is'll get it though.
I was on the early train because I wanted extra time to get settled. There was barely anyone on this train since it was late at night like 4:00 am. I fell asleep for the train ride.
The train ride came to a stop and I got off to see Mrs. Weasley there waiting for me. She drove me to the Order. Finally I went up to my room and settled in. The room had white roses on a pink background. There were four beds. I chose one and put my suitcase under it. Then the nightstand had my overflowing need of books on top of it. I put my journal in the nightstand drawer and also put my beauty product bag in there. I hung up my dresses and was settled in. I laid down and read a book called Cinder.
I woke up from sobbing. I got up and rushed downstairs to see a sobbing Mrs. Weasley.
"What's wrong Mrs. Weasley?"
"My husband has been attacked by You-Know-Who's snake."
"Oh no!"
I patted her back and waited for everyone else to come in. Sirius, Kingsley, Snape, Tonks, Mad Eye, and Lupin were horrified. We waited for Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George and Harry to come. The room was silent. Everyone was praying for Arthur. It felt like ages before they came. Harry's eyes were red from crying and he ran up the stairs. I ran after him. Ron also tried to run after Harry but Hermione held him back. I just made it into the attic.
"Ugh EMILY!"
"Thanks for the lovely hello!" Even my sarcasm didn't cheer him up.
He sobbed and fell onto the floor.
"Stay away before I hurt you."
I gasp and faint to the floor.
I popped back up and hugged him. I was laughing so hard. I think I heard him mutter not funny.
"Seriously Harry. You invited me here so I could have fun with you. Stick to your promise."
Harry spoke again, "Emily, I was the snake in the dream I had. I was trying to murder Arthur. In fact when I saw Dumbledore I raged at him. Emily am I turning into Voldemort?"
"Harry of course not. Harry Voldemort is taking over your mind. He will seek your weakness. Don't let him in. Fight for your right."
"Your right Emily. In fact I am going to do something I should have done a lone time ago."
Then he leaned in an kissed me on the lips. Then he pulled away, his face was like a tomato. But instead I pulled him closer and locked my lips onto his. He moaned by my lips moving. Harry licked his lips and kissed me harder.
"Emily Henderson, will you be mine?"
I kiss him harder as a yes.

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