Chapter 2: Umbridge

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I sat on my bed for what felt like forever. Tears rolled down my cheeks until I calmed down. I sat up and rubbed my tears until they evaporated. I rolled off my bed and got dressed. I put on a bit of makeup and smiled. I looked at the clock that said 6:00. I shook Hanna awake and told her about my dream while she got dressed. She cried while I talked about Cedric loving her. She probably didn't believe me. When she was ready we walked down. We compared our schedules.
Charms, 8:15~G
Potions, 9:15~R
Transfiguration, 10:15~S
History, 11:15~G
Lunch, 12:15~E
Herbology, 12:45~S
Defense Against The Dark Arts, 1:45~G
Free Period, 2:45~R
Magical Creatures, 3:45~R
Remember: Dinner is at 6:30, Don't be late!
I compared. G= Gryffindor, S= Slytherin, R= Ravenclaw and E for everyone. Hanna had Free Period, Lunch, History, and Potions with me. This was good because last year we only had Defense Against the Dark Arts and Magical Creatures last year. Quickly I scurried off to charms. I sat next to Hermione Granger, a Gryffindor. Harry and Ronald were beside us. Ronald was next to some girl, Grace, I think? On the other side of him was Harry. I was next to Harry and Hermione was next to me. The dwarf kept on talking about how OWL's are so very important.
After that lecture, I looked for Hanna who came from Magical Creatures. We walked down to the dungeons. Snape smiled at me when we walked in. He likes me because I have never brewed a bad potion and because I can help him find ingredients. I sat down with Hanna.
"Today class we are going to work on the quick of the guardian potion today. Miss Henderson? Do you know how to make said potion with directions?"
I nodded my head.
"Please go get the ingredients while I explain to the class what to do."
I got up and walked over to the closet full of ingredients and potions. We needed Beatle eyes, a jar of wind, melted carrots, lily petals, and snail slime. I found the eyes, carrots and snail slime quickly. I soon found wind but when I saw the lily petals, they said, 'For Lily before you died.' I frowned at it but climbed down the ladder. I put the ingredients on a tray and took some to my desk. Quickly I crushed the Beatle eyes and boiled water. I added in the carrots so they would melt. Then I added in the Beatle eyes. I covered the lily petals in slime then watched them burn. I took a sip and ran around the classroom. It worked!
In Transfiguration, we had another lecture on the OWL's. The Slytherins kept on talking. I sat with a small Asian looking Hufflepuff.
In history we had another lecture. I sat with Hanna and Grace in between me and Harry, Ron and Hermione were behind me.
At Lunch, I talked with Grace.
"Hi," a voice said behind me, "I'm Grace McDaniel."
"Hi," I said shaking her hand, "I'm Emily Henderson."
We talked the whole period away.
In Herbology I sat with Draco Malfoy. I sulked the whole time. We studied a cactus that was pale and sprouted puss. Neville, a Gryffindor has one.
In Defense Against the Dark Arts, I wanted to cry. I sat next to Grace and Hanna and we were passed text books.
Hermione's hand shot up.
"These text books don't mention any spells!"
"You aren't going to be doing any spells Ms. Granger," Umbridge said.
"How can we protect us from what's out there?"
"What would want to hurt children like yourselves, Potter?"
"I don't know...Voldemort?"
"Children, you have heard that He-who-must-not-be-named returned, this is a lie."
"So you're saying Cedric died dead on his own account?" Harry was furious.
Cedric came back into my mind.
"You are ready. Take control, express your opinion about my death," Cedric whispered.
I rose from my chair to say something but instead I ran out of the classroom. I waited in the Girl's bathroom until it was free period. I worked on homework and kept to myself. Then I went to Magical Creatures. Hagrid wasn't there so my mood turned worse. Though I did pet a unicorn!

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