Chapter 19

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Ella's POV

I woke up at 10 am. I had the craziest dreams all night, but I'm just glad my memory was back! I got up and went to my closet. I picked out skinny jeans, a tank top, and my pink and white converse. I got dressed and sat down on my bed.

"How am I gonna come out about my memory being back to my mom?" I thought. I sat there and continued to think. "If something comes up about the past I'll just speak up." I decided. I got off my bed and went downstairs. My mom was cooking breakfast.

"Morning mom." I said. She looked back at me.

"Hey, El. You sleep ok after the dream?" she asked. I nodded. She set a plate down in front of me and I started eating. "Ok mom any time now... Mention something from the past!" I thought.

"So today I have to go to the store to get some stuff. Want anything?" she asked. Bingo, here was my chance. What was something I would always want from the store?

"Yeah, can you get me Ben and Jerry's ice cream, mint chocolate chip? Then some oreos. Rememeber when dad left, you and I used to sit on the couch watching chick flicks and eat that?" I said. She started laughing.

"Yeah I remember th-" she stopped and looked at me. "That was 4 or 5 YEARS ago..." she said. I smiled.

"Mom... I'm back." I said. Tears were forming in her eyes.

"What?" she said. I nodded my head.

"Mom, it came back. I remember everything again. Mom, my memory is back again!" I said. She burst into tears and grabbed into a huge hug.

"Oh baby girl!! I've missed your memory so much! It's like part of you was gone. I saw YOU but you weren't complete!" she said, through her tears. I pulled away from the hug.

"Mom after the nightmare, I fell back asleep and all I could dream about was Marcel and I's memories. I think what my heart and mind were saying was I was taking everything with Marcel for granted. I forgot the little things that made me happy with him." I said. My mom continued to cry and nodded her head.

After I was finished with breakfast, it was 11:30 am. My mom and I sat at the table and talked about the past. I had no doubt in my mind my memory was fully back.

"Mom, can I go to Marcel's I need to talk to him." I said. My mom said ok and I started walking.


A half an hour later I was outside Marcle's place. I went up to the door and rang the doorbell. Luckily, Marcel answered, but he didn't look happy.

"What do you want?" he said.

"Marcel! It's back! My memory came back!" I said. I went in for a hug but Marcel put a hand out to stop me.

"You're lying. You feel bad for fighting with me so you'll do whatever it takes to talk to me again. It's not gonna work Ella. Go home." he said. He started closing the door but I put my foot in front of it.

"Test me! If I pass the test you have to believe me." I said. Marcel looked at me, rolled his eyes, and brought me inside. I saw down at the table across from him.

"Ok, so if your memory is back like you say it is, you'll remember all of these answers. Question 1: What's the song we danced to in your dance class?" he asked. I laughed.

"That's too easy, I Wish, One Direction." he looked at me.

"Fine, question 2: You tripped at your first day of dance. What did you trip over?" he asked.

"Your books" I bit back.

"Question 3: Who was your first dance partner and why couldn't he dance anymore?" he asked.

Alex, and he fell off the stage and broke his ankle." I said. That's how we spent about 5 minutes, him testing me. I could tell he was running out of things to ask me. This should be a sign I have my memory again.

"Final question: When did you admit that you loved me?" he asked. My eyes got big. "When did I admit I loved him... Think Ella THINK!!" I looked at Marcel who had his arms crossed.

"Um... it was..." I couldn't think off it. Marcel stood up.

"Whatever Ella... Let yourself out. Get home safely" he said, and he started walking up the stairs. My heart was breaking. How can I prove it to him? I thought. I looked into the living room as I was leaving and I saw a guitar. THAT'S IT!

Marcel's POV

I admit, she was convincing but not enough. I was almost to my room as I heard a guitar being played.

"Am I awake, am I asleep or somewhere in between? I can't believe that you are here and lying next to me. Or did I dream that we were perfectly intwined? Like branches on a tree or twigs caught on a vine." Ella sang. I started walking down the stairs. Her voice was angelic, and I had no clue she could play guitar.

"Like all those days and weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss. And all those sleepless nights and daydreams where I pictured this. I'm just the underdog who finally got the girl. And I am not ashamed to tell it to the world." I was at the bottom of the stairs.

"Truly, madly, deeply I am, foolishly, completly falling. And some how you kicked all my walls in so baby say you'll always keep me. Truly, madly, crazy deeply in love, with you. In love... With you" she finished playing and looked up at me. She set the guitar down.

"I never played, sang, or even hummed that song while your memory was gone... Ella, you're back. You're really back!" I said. She ran into my arms.

"I tried telling you! I'm back Marcel! The note, I found the note! I heard what you said in the hospital room." she said. She backed out of the hug. "You said I love you... Marcel, I love you too... So so much!" she said, jumping back into my arms.

"You did it... Ella you came back to me like I asked you to." I said.

"Marcel, I'll always come back to you, you can't get rid of me... Ever" she said.

"Ella... Why would I ever want to get rid of you?" I asked. She looked up at me and smiled. We continued to hug. My world was back.

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