Bing Bong

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Beep beep beep beep beep beep bee- The alarm clock was interrupted by PJ's hand swiftly knocking the plug out of the wall, efficiently killing the sound that was echoing through the colorful room.
PJ stood up groggily, seeing as he only had an hour until he would be late. He jumped in the shower making sure to scrub his curls well. He grudgingly left the warm of the shower, swiftly wrapping a towel around himself and retreating to his room quietly. He swung open his closet, peering at his options for today's outfit. He finally decided on a red sleeved baseball tee, black skinny jeans, and pizza socks. He was heartbroken he had to cover them up with his converse, but work is work.

He quickly threw some product in his hair to somewhat tame it and dashed out the door, not wanting to give Mr. Awbrey another reason to complain.

The climate was typical for a November day. The trees had changed to their normal orange and red shades, the wind was dancing through the air, and the mood of the universe seemed pleasant. That was Pj's favorite part of autumn. It wasn't the beautiful colors, or the chilly excuse to wear his favorite jumper. It was the feeling of loveliness that always wrapped around the season and couldn't be shaken off very easily.

PJ arrived to work just in the nick of time. He slid to the worker's lounge to clock in, just as Awbrey came in. Not today Awbrey, you're not getting to me today, PJ exclaimed in his own mind. PJ clocked in at the speed of light and checked the work schedule to see what he needed to get done that work day.

Liguori- floor assistant-fold shirts-make someone happy :)

PJ rolled his eyes at the last line. Awbrey believed these little comments would motivate employees to work harder, which had little effect. But working on the floor was better than working next to Awbrey, so he gladly accepted this task.

Two hours into PJ's work schedule, he was busy at work folding shirts. The flow of customers had slowed to a minimum, making it possible for him to revive the store from the wrecked state it always ended up in after big crowds came through.

*Bing bong*

PJ nonchalantly glanced up from folding his shirts to see three boys walk in, one who seemed to stand out from the rest. PJ tried to focus back on his work, but some force wouldn't let him. It was almost as if the universe was grabbing him by the hair, screaming "Dammit Peej, you can't just ignore this boy!"

He looked up again to see the two friends snickering in his direction while the interesting one just stared at the ground with rosy red cheeks. Great, PJ thought to himself, they probably figured out what I was thinking. How embarrassing, I should just leave work early or Someth-

"Excuse me mister," a sweet voice ripped him out of his thoughts.  He looked up and his eyes immediately met two beautiful caramel lakes of color. Just then, he realized who they must belong to. Caramel eyes began to speak again.
"I'm terribly sorry for the trouble but can you help me find this jumper in a medium?"
"I would love to, I mean not love to, but it's my job to. But I don't mean I won't enjoy doing it! I mean... I'm just going to get the shirt." PJ walked away defeated to find a medium in the storage room.

"Well, looks like somebody has the hots for you, mister." Said the brunette with the chocolate eyes. Caramel eyes blushed and looked down, trying to avoid confrontation on the subject.
"For the record, I think he's cute." Said jet black hair and blue eyes.  "Maybe something will come of it!"
"Probably not, but maybe." Caramel eyes stated.

At that moment, PJ came rushing back in with the exact jumper in a medium.
"Is this okay?" He inquired.
"It looks okay but maybe I should try it on just to be sure."
"Sounds perfect, the changing rooms are over here!" PJ was thrown back from how cheerful he sounded.
"Hey, maybe you can help him with it while you're in there!" Hollered chocolate eyes, deserving the elbow in his ribs he received.

"So how long have you worked here?" The beautiful customer questioned.
"Just a few months, but it feels like way longer. Here are the dressing rooms, I'll wait out here just in case you need anything." PJ stated.

A few minutes passed by and PJ was starting to get a bit worried from not hearing anything for a while.
"Is everything okay in there?" He called in.
"Um, yeah. Just a minute." His customer replied. Suddenly, the door creaked open and the slender boy emerged, wearing a green and red jumper, looking self conscious. Peej felt his breath hitch in his throat at the sight of the boy in such a festive jumper. It was quite breathtaking, if PJ was to be honest.

"So, um, how do I look?" The boy questioned his sales associate.
"It's... It's umm.."
"I knew it didn't look good, what was I thinking?" The boy huffed before turning his heels and jogging out of site back into the dressing room.

Panicked, PJ ran up to the door.
"No! It didn't look bad, I swear! It's looked, great, nice, lovely even!"
The brunette emerged slowly, looking down at the floor.
"Really? You're not just saying that are you?"
"Of course not. Anyone would be blessed to see you in this fantastic looking jumper!"
The boy chuckled slightly, "Well I guess that makes it official! I'll take it."

PJ walked behind the register to ring up the mysterious boy's purchase while his friends were distracted.
"So how will you be paying for this ever so terrific jumper?"
The boy giggled again, "Debit Card, here you go"  he said and handed PJ his card.  He looked over the card, reading the block letter name at the bottom of the card. Christopher J. Kendall

He smiled to himself as he swiped the card. He quickly bagged Chris' purchase and put the receipt in the bag.
"Well it was nice shopping with you today Christopher."
Chris squinted at PJ's shirt before cheerfully replying, "I could say the same to you PJ. I mean who knows, maybe I'll need another jumper sometime soon"
"I hope so. " PJ stated. And with that, Chris grabbed his two friends, and walked out the door.

Bing bong.

Hello again my dear friends! Oh my gosh, that was fun to write. It'll get juicier soon, I can promise you that! Please let me know if you're enjoying this story and things I can do better. Tell your friends if you like this story, and I love you all. Have wonderful days my lovelies. <3 Over and out!

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